Fake Prey

177 22 7

Cheeto is my friends amazing cat

She named him Cheeto for his vibrant orange fur

His deep blue eyes make you dizzy as you delve into this shining ocean of clear blue

He is the most entertaining feline I ever had the fortune to meet

He is also the most playful feline I have ever met;

For if you put his prey at his feet

The magnificent beast will try to capture his prey

By putting on a thrilling show of huntsman ship 

As he chases his prey around his castle of splendor

When he gets close to catching his prey

He puts on a proud display of pride 

Dancing around on his four paws

But he fails to eat his prey 

For his prey has been nothing

But a concentrated light all along


so this is just a free verse poem that I had done for a few days and thought why not post on wattpad? so yeah here it is i iwll be making more and posting cause I like poetry so yeah please VOTE and COMMENT with feed back!

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