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Everything is breaking, just falling apart

At the seams

And there's nothing we can do

I'm just gonna fix my heart.

It may take a while, but I've got time

To fix myself

And make my heart whole again

Because this heart is mine.

You can't take my heart away

You can't take my freedom

All you can do is


And watch

And break

But I will get up again.

I can get through this, break free from the cage

That's holding me

Keeping my heart inside those walls

Walls that don't keep in my rage.

I am so angry at the world, this world holding me in

Kicking me out

Burning up my hopes and dreams

But I keep my fire within.

My heart thats broken, into pieces

Can't be fixed

I only know one person who could even try

But know one does and my hope decreases.

For my heart is broken.

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