Chapter 2

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I rushed into first period, english literature. I actually really like this class. Mr Kane isn't that mean and his class is kind of fun. We don't just do boring stuff. It isn't as normal as other classes. I took my seat which was more in the middle of the class. I took out one of my favorite books, 'Spellbound' and began reading. It was easier to see myself as the main character because we have the same name. The bell rang signaling first period to start. I marked my page and closed my book. I put my head up to see that we had a sub.

Great. Ugh. That sub is terrible.






The room was silent.

Was she talking about me?

I was so zoned out. Had she called my name?

"Emma Brinkley."


Okay. That wasn't me. Thank gosh. If it was I would've looked so dumb.



And the names went on and she finally reached mine. Emma Hudson. We began class and she gave us these stupid papers that I finished in almost ten minutes. I pulled out my phone and put in my ear buds. 'Melanie Martinez Cake' was the first song to play. I drifted off into my thoughts again and pretty soon the bell rang ending first period. The rest of the day went pretty much the same. Boring school day. I had almost no homework since I did mine in my classes. I got on the bus and sat in 13. My usual seat. I looked around, but didn't see Sammy anywhere. She probably got a ride from Brody.

Great. I'm going to be alone for life.

I'm sorry this is such a short chapter... Yesterday was kind of busy and it's like five in the morning. XD. I'll post more later today or tomorrow. Bye my lovelies!!

Like always peace and love


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