Chapter 18

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Last time on 'Now That I'm Gone'.


"To Mrs. Powell." I said

Aladdin smiled. "Great, now your first day won't be as awkward. You'll have me to show you around."

I nodded as he told me to come on and walked beside me in the empty hall, on our way to class.

"Just show me the rest of your schedule during class, okay?" he said

"Okay." I responded

Aladdin handed me one of his earbuds and I slipped it into my ear, enjoying his music. Even though it was sad, it still made me happy.

Music is a conversation with the soul.


Aladdin and I walked into the classroom and everyone began to quiet down as we walked over to two open seats. Some people turned around and then whispered to their friends, others didn't care and continued to work on an assignment they had already gotten.

"Do you want me to go get our assignments from Mrs. Powell?" Aladdin asked.

I smiled and nodded at him, "Yes that would be nice, thanks."

He got up and walked over to Mrs. Powell, asking for two assignment sheets.

I reached into my backpack for a pencil and then set it on the floor next to my chair. Aladdin walked back over to me and handed me one of the sheets. It was one of those sheets where you had to fill in stuff about you and then write an essay.

What is this, kindergarten?

The class was boring and everyone was quiet. I kept looking up at the clock dreading for this class to be over. Soon enough, it was. Aladdin and I grabbed our stuff and hurried out of the door. I looked down at my schedule to see what my next class was. I had history next without Aladdin so he walked me to my class and then headed to his. I walked into the room and everyone was sitting at their seats talking. There were educational posters all over and the walls were painted a light blue color. For some reason, I felt like I was going to like this class a lot. I looked over and saw one empty seat near the window. I walked over to it and did exactly what I did in last class. I didn't bother to ask anyone around me if I could sit there because honestly, who cares? I pulled out my history notebook from my backpack and my pencil. The bell rang and the teacher came in. He shook his head and walked over to his desk to take attendance. After attendance had been taken he walked up to the front of the room and cleared his throat. Everyone became silence and looked at him.

"It took you guys long enough," he said while shaking his head.

Everyone in the class just kind of laughed and then we began class. The girl sitting in front of me turned around to talk to me.

"So, I saw you with Ander and Aladdin in one day. That's impressive. I'm Kate." She stuck her hand out for me to shake, and I did.

"What did you mean impressive...?" I asked hesitantly.

"Well I mean they're the two hottest boys in school," she began to lower her voice to a whisper "and they kind of hate each other."

I felt so stupid. I facepalmed myself in my mind because if I did it I would probably just hurt myself.

Of course. They just have to hate each other.

And this is when my mind shut off for the rest of the day.

My social life is about to get a lot more complicated. And it's only my first day.


Really short chapter but I have an idea for the next one so I'm gonna get to writing!

Like always, peace and love


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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