Chapter 12

49 9 3

Dedicated to SydneeSnowden.
Love ya!!


Last time on Now That I'm Gone (#Wattys2016)
"No problem," he smiled "It will be easier to take you home more often now knowing how close you are,"

I gave him a weird look and shut the door. He began to pull out of the drive way and drove slowly. He pulled into the driveway of the house right next to mine and parked the car. He got out and locked the car making it honk once.

"See you later neighbor!" he yelled and smiled as he walked straight into the house

My jaw instantly dropped.

Ander is my neighbor?
I watched him shut the door and walk into his house before I turned and did the same with mine.

Ander lives right next door to me? No. It must be his friend's house. He can't live there. Wouldn't I have seen him before if he did?

I sat my bag on the couch and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I opened the fridge and grabbed a cold bottle of water. I walked to the kitchen table and sat down trying to process the new information I had just discovered.

Why me? That meant his Barbie doll of a girlfriend would be over there twenty four seven! I would probably be able to hear her annoying voice all the time!!!!

I pulled my phone out and turned it on, being so lucky it wasn't damaged. I clicked on the contact button swiping over to the call history. I clicked on the last number I had just called and added it to my contact list. I was going to put his name as Ander but instead set it as what he now was to me, the boy next door.

I was going to call him to ask him if he really lived there, or was just visiting when the doorbell rang.

"Ugh," I said as I got up from my seat to go answer the door.

I walked over and tripped on the carpet by the couch, landing safely on the cushions. I groaned, got up and walked to the door as it started to ring multiple times. I unlocked the door and opened it only to find an annoyed Melissa standing in front of me.

"How come you're home so early?" I asked as she pushed past me

"I was hanging out with Luke at his place, and I forgot I invited the new neighbors over for dinner. I don't understand how I can't remember a single thing.." she continued but I blocked her out.

She invited the neighbors over for dinner? Like those neighbors?

I looked at Melissa and widened my eyes. "Which neighbors did you invite?"

She looked at me like I was insane for asking, "The only ones who just moved in last week Emma."

Yup. Those neighbors.

"Oh. Um, do you mind if I ask why you invited them over?" I asked clearly letting my anger out in the sentence

"Geez Emma, what's your deal? Can't I just be a friendly person and let them come over for dinner? Does that bother you that I'm trying to make friends with the people living right next to us? Gosh Emma, I don't know if you're on your period or something, but control the hormones sister," she said seeming stressed out

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