Chapter 3-Present Day

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"Well," questioned a very impatient Macy. Sofia shook her head in disbelief. "How can you be so insensitive?" She opened her mouth to speak again, but Fern laid her cold, slender hands gently on her arm. This took her aback, since Fern clearly was not fond of her. Fern shook her head, and smiled. Lifeless once again. She got up, left the room, leaving everyone perplexed. Suddenly realizing the situation, horrification grew on Sofia's face realizing what Fern was going to do. "Fern, NO!" A door closed, and it echoed throughout the house ominously. It rang in Sofia's ears, and she knew, Fern was not coming out again. 
     She stormed into the kitchen, where Macy sat with her arms crossed like she could stare down a rabid dog. "Ugh, how rude! She just left her guest just like that, without even regarding me." Now it was Sofia's time to stare her down. "Rude? RUDE? You, you are the PERSONIFICATION of rude! My sister finally came out of her room for the first time in 2 years, and you broke her! ARGH," Sofia said shrilly. "Hey, I can sue you for this," countered Macy. "Really? From what I see, you mentally collapsed my sister, and not even apologizing, I'm not so sure you can be the one suing me,"Sofia smirked triumphant, but it lasted as long as it came, still realizing how grim the situation was.
      "Now. Leave this house, and don't come back until you can say sorry and mean it." Macy just rolled her eyes, "Your supposed to be driving me there genius." It's just a block away. You can handle it. Tell your mom I had to stay for a family emergency. Go. Now." With that, the shrewd brunette left the house in a dignified fashion.
That's one problem taken care of, now there's the question I've been dealing with for years. How am I going to get Fern out of that room?........................

Whooh! That was a mess wasn't it! Sorry I took so long. I just had a very bad writer's block. But I'll try to update more often. Bye melons!

Power Spoken {ON HOLD}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang