Chapter 5

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Fern stood from her slouching position, her spine and neck making cracking noises at the sudden movement. She flinched at the noise and groaned. "Sylvia, it hurts. When am I allowed outside?" Fern paused waiting for an answer, but heard nothing. "Please answer Mommy."
"Oh Fern, I told you, they don't care for what you're working for. They've already given up on Rose. What's the point of you going out there? Don't worry, when I'm out of here, I'll take care of that, and that Macy who hurt my child."
Fern smiled at that, thinking of Sylvia will do for her.
"You know what? I think you deserve to go out there, before I arrive." Hearing this made Fern's smile even broader. But it left as quickly as it came.

"But what if they make fun of me?" Then an angering thought snaked into her mind, "What if they insult Rose? What if they say she's gone?" She didn't realize it, but she was trembling from head to toe in anger; thoughts of past harassments rushing through her mind like a tidal wave.
"Go outside Fern. I think it'll help us accomplish our plan."
"I don't see how," Fern  muttered under breath. "But whatever."
Fern slowly dragged herself toward the door, completely forgetting it was her idea to go outside. She cracked the door open to find Sofia slumped on the ground, her face tear-stained and pale. Fern just stared at the pathetic sight and walked forward. Oh come on! I've been doing this forever! Get over it you baby!
Clearly oblivious to insults Fern mentally threw at her, Sophia looked up and gawked at her in disbelief. "Fern," Sofia squeaked, her voice cracking like she was about to burst into tears again.
No reply. She just stood there staring at the poor girl. Then Fern glanced at the clock, 10:13 p.m. The moonlight shone from the hallway window landing on Sofia's soft peach skin; her pink lips creating a crazy contrast between them. But her dark strawberry blond hair had fallen over her eyes as she looked down and whispered, "I'm sorry."
Once again, Fern left without regarding her apologies.
Fern went toward her mom's office to find her mom sitting in a wheelie chair staring at her computer; her eyes glazed over and dark bags formed underneath her eyes; her clothes were wrinkled and were as unkempt as her hair. Time had really left an imprint on her, or maybe it was me. This sight was just as pathetic as her sister's, and Fern had no plan of concerning herself over this situation.
"They must really not care about you. They haven't even noticed your mark," Sylvia said in Fern's mind; planting seeds of hatred. At the mention of her mark, Fern subconsciously traced the swirling rays of the sun on the side of her neck, that twisted their way around. She sucked in a huge gulp of air, glared at her mom, and left; Sylvia's remark fresh on her mind.
There was nothing really in the house for Fern to do, so a walk couldn't hurt. Fern pulled on a light sweater and beanie, and peaked the front door open and let the cool Autumn air embrace her. It was dark, but the moon shown bright like a guide on the sidewalks. Each step outside was bliss, for the dark shades of the trees and the soft pale grass created such a nice late stroll. But as Fern was walking, she heard a rustle behind a tree. It was probably a squirrel or something, Fern reasoned. But as she walked on, a dark shadowy figure strode up to her.  "Pretty girls like you shouldn't be out so late," the shadowy figure said hoarsely, clearly a man. Fern just rolled her eyes and kept walking until she was shoved into a lamp post. When she looked up, there was a man probably in his mid- thirties, grinning mischievously at her. Fern saw where this was going and immediately knew what to do. Never struggle. This gives them more pleasure, but instead, loosen up, and slowly slide down the wall surface until you slip underneath and run. If all else fails, scream to your heart's content. But that didn't go as easy as it sounded. The man probably saw this coming,so he shoved his feet on hers to keep her from running, and put his hand on her mouth. Clearly scared for her life knowing she couldn't get out of this, tears started streaming down her face until she saw something glowing on the man's forehead, but it was barely visible. "Focus on the dot, you'll be out of here," Sylvia said calmly. The man, clearly taking his sweet time, reached out his hand and pulled at her lip, dragging it slowly, but that was the last straw. Fern squinted her eyes on the dot and concentrated on it, and it started glowing brighter until Feen widened her eyes fully. There was a bang, and everything was blindingly bright. When the light cleared, Fern saw the man laying on the ground, limp and lifeless. Oh my gosh, I'm a murderer! But he deserved it; one less creep on the street. Slowly a grin formed on Fern's face knowing what this meant. "That's right darling, you have nothing to fear."
With this, Fern walked home with confidence, fully aware that in the morning they will find the man dead but will not have a clue of what did it. There were no marks and no sickness. She was safe with Sylvia, and that was a comforting thought. All was fine, until she saw her mom, still in her work close at 11 in the night, running towards her with a panicked and insane look on her face.

One Thousand and ten words. You can probably tell why it took so long to update. Unlike you authors, I'm not used to writing long pieces of writing. But I do it all for you.
Peace and Love everyone, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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