Synyster Gates

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Forgot to mention, this is for my best friend _ashley0425  ❤️

*Trigger Warning*



Fucked up.


All words thrown at you through middle school to high school. You pretended those words never got to you, but they always managed to get under your skin and in your head, you got into old habits. Dragging anything sharp you could find across your delicate skin. Watching as the crimson liquid flow into small streams, all rolling down your arm.

You walked into school the next day, wincing as someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the closest room.

"W-what are you going to do to me." Your voice came out as a whimper.

"Well, first I'm going to look at what you've done to yourself. Don't be scared." He whispered.

"Why do you, out of all people give a damn about what I did to myself?" You snapped.

Brian looked up at you, a look of hurt washed across his face, "Listen, do you not think I don't notice you? I've been trying to change because of you, I've been trying to work up the nerve to talk to you. I always, and I mean always know you wear short sleeves, now, for the past two days you've been avoiding any interaction with your arms. You've also taken accustom to long sleeves. I saw you wince when I grabbed you hand, I didn't know they were down that far."

He pulled up your sleeve, gently running his fingers over your arm. He looked into your eyes, leaning down and peppering kisses all over your wounded arms. You blushed.

"(Y/N) words can't describe how I've been dying to get a taste of you, and now that I've gotten just that one once, I don't want to just go and part our ways. I've taken notice to everything even the small stuff. The way you sit in the back in every class to avoid getting called on, your techniques while you're playing guitar, the difference in way you walk or talk when you're upset or feeling fine, The way you sing quietly to yourself, so quiet that you can barely hear yourself when you're walking in the hall with your headphones in-"

You kissed Brian, a long, soft kiss, "I never thought anyone would view me that way. Especially you. In all fairness, you're pretty fucking arrogant."

This caused you both to chuckle. Brian reached up, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, moving his hands down to yours, grasping them lightly in fear of causing you more pain.

He bit his lip, "(Y/N), will you do the honors and be my girlfriend, if you want to."

"Yes. Fuck yes." You smiled, tears filling your eyes, and not the all but too familiar tears you shed from night to night, but happy tears for once.

So with that being said, you two walked out into the halls hand in hand, ignoring the stares from other fellow students.

Brian leaned in and whispered in your ear, "I really do believe that... That, I love you."

You replied with a simple "I love you too." And pecked his cheek.

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