Zacky Vengeance (Part 2:)

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Zack paced back and forth, waiting to hear something about his girlfriend. She wasn't dead. He wouldn't let himself believe she was.

Was it something he unknowingly said? Did someone hurt her without him knowing? Was she sick of him? No.

"Mr.Baker, I'd like to speak with you back here." The doctor gestured for Zack to follow him back.

"Y/n is in a stable condition right now, we're currently waiting to see if she pulls through, we've done all we can."

Zack let out a shuddered breath, "Oh thank god."

"Now, this is mandatory, but I'm going to have to ask you some questions regarding miss L/n."

Zack nodded for him to continue.

"Was your relationship abusive in any way-"

"No. Hell no," he replied firmly, "She was my world..."

"Is there any reason that you believe would have cause her to do this?"

"I-I don't know, she seemed fine, she usually tells me what's bothering her, a-and then the next minute, she-she was gone."

"Mr. Baker. I completely understand that this is difficult, but we are just trying to narrow it down to why she may have done this."

"I-I understand."

Zack continued to answer the doctors remaining questions. Holding back his tears. He never cried, but y/n was an exception. He loved her, and even has his heart set on marrying her. Zack had already picked out the perfect ring for her, having had hid it in the back corner of his sock drawer. His plan was to purpose to her on the day they met those few years ago. That day, was tomorrow. Maybe he was the issue? What did he do was the question. Nothing stuck out to him, he treated her like a queen.

A nurse came out to retrieve Zack, "You can go back and see her if you'd like."

He stood up, briskly walking back to where his love laid in a hospital bed.

She was paler than normal and was hooked up to all sorts of machines. He leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Why? Why'd you do this?"

She laid there quietly, the only sounds were muffled footsteps and the noise coming from the machines.

Zack intertwined his fingers with hers, pressing his lips against her cold hand, and began to drift off.



"Zack... Baby?"

"Hm?" His eyes shot open, and he looked the frail girl in the eyes.

"Thank fuck!" He exclaimed wrapping his arms around her, "I-I thought you were gone! W-why did you?"

"I-I'm sorry... I just..."

"What matters is that you're okay, oh my god."

"I'm so sorry..." she whispered.

"I love you, I'm sorry if I never told you that enough, I-I should've-"

"Zacky, you have done nothing wrong. I love you more than anything. I'm the one who should be sorry."

He kissed her, "Please, don't ever do this again."

She nodded, leaning into Zack's chest.

"We'll get you home soon, and I have a few surprises for you."

He felt her lips curl into a smile, "How'd I get so lucky with you?"

Zack chuckled softly, "I think that should be the other way around."


A year later, Zack and Y/n's relationship was back on track, having over came difficult challenges throughout the last few months, they still managed to make it work and were expected to wed soon.

Although Zack never got an explanation of why his fiancé decided to make the choice of leaving at such an unexpected time, he found it within in himself that it was never going to happen again, especially not on his watch. Each day he strived to improve their relationship, and had found that to be successful.

I guess tragic stories can actually have happy ending after all.

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