Jimmy Sullivan

570 5 1

This is a very overdue request, and I apologize it took this long. Hope you enjoy!



You sighed contently, looking at the man who lay next to you. Your fiancé you fell in love with after many drunken nights spent together, and not your typical idea of a drunken night.

He was asleep, holding you tight again his tall, thin body. His jet black hair sticking out in all directions.

You felt yourself grin. Not only had he become your best friend, but your boyfriend as well. Now, you were beginning the next chapter of your lives together.

Gently tracing the numerous tattoos scattered about his skin, your mind began to flash back to the night you two met, all in vivid detail as if it were yesterday.


Pulling into Johnny's, you walked in the back door as always, clocked in, greeted your co-workers, put on your apron, and took your position behind the bar.

Tonight would be packed. A hot summer night in California on Friday made sure of it. You watched as people piled in the door.

Another busy night meant more tips to pay your rent. You smiled, greeting your first customer. Just as usual, the steady pace of customers only increased with each passing hour.

You watched as a man approached you with four others muddling behind him.

His dark eyes met yours, "Hey sweet cheeks, how about getting my boys and I a tray of shots?"

"What are fellows drinking tonight?"

"Jack Daniels, Tennessee Honey." called out one of the guys.

You walked back to the table that held numerous amounts of liquor varieties, locating the clear bottle that held the all but too familiar amber liquid.

"Here you are boys," you handed them the tray of shots, "anything else for you?"

This time, the tallest of the group caught your gaze, "Guinness drafts, please."

You nodded, once again going to retrieve the alcohol. Returning shortly with another tray.

"Here you are." You flashed him your signature smile and went to check on your other customers.

As your shift came to an end, you noticed the group of guys from earlier were still there. This time, they were gathered around the pool table.

"Hey boys, were fixing to close up here!" You called out.

They nodded, gathering their stuff and leaving.

The tallest still remained, gathering up the glasses and bringing them to the bar table.

"Sir, you don't have to do that-"

"It's the least I can do to save your pretty face from another job. And, you can call me Jimmy." He slid a tip underneath the tray and gave you a wink before leaving.

As the door closed, you heard your friend laugh.

"Cute and a generous tipper, I think you've found yourself a man!" She joked.

You shook your head and began cleaning up.


"The usual?" You asked as the same Motley Crue of five entered the bar.

"Yes ma'am!" Jimmy smiled.

You took a minute to admire his features. He had numerous tattoos, black feathery hair that framed his face, and the most stunning icy blue eyes you've ever seen.

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