Synyster Gates

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I apologize to the user who requested this that I didn't get it done sooner. Enjoy!



He jumped at the sound of your voice, "What? Nothing."

"Baby, you've been in here for five hours... what's wrong?"

"I'm working on, uh, some riffs for Zack." He averted his gaze to the notebook that lay in front of him.

This had been going on for two months, the same cycle each time. Brian would go into the small studio in the basement and spend hours at a time in there, and whenever you asked him what was wrong it was always the same excuse, "writing riffs for Zack", "Helping Jimmy come up with rhythms for songs", "Playing what Matt and Johnny asked him to".

The past few weeks, Brian seemed to be avoiding you. You constantly pondered what you would've done to have upset him, or if you actually did upset him. Maybe he was bored with you? Or worse...

It was frustrating, sometimes, you could hear him speaking on the phone with someone. You figured he was cheating. Brian was known for his notorious past of cheating, although he swore he loved you and was never going to cheat again, especially not on you. You clung to his words, hoping that he completely meant what he said.

"Brian, it's always the same excuse..."

"Well it's the truth!" He snapped, instantly regretting his sudden out burst.

He sighed, "Okay, listen. I'll make it up to you by taking you to that fancy restaurant in town that you love. Does Friday suit?"

This time you sighed, replying with a simple "I guess."

You left him, sulking back upstairs to the kitchen. You made yourself a cup of coffee, sitting at the island in the middle of the room. This fucking sucked, but you were used to it.

"Hey hey hey, it's my sista from a different mista!"

You shook your head laughing, "Hey Jim's."

"What happened? What'd he do to you? I swear to god-"

"Jimmy, he didn't do any-"

"Bullshit. What's going on?"

"If I tell you, you can't say anything, got it?"

Your cousin nodded, his icy blue eyes meeting your (e/c) ones.

"I-I think he's cheating."

"What! He's fucking dead."

You grabbed Jimmy's wrist, pulling him back towards you, "Stop, I'm giving him a chance to explain Friday, alright?"

"He can fucking explain it to my fist. I'm gonna beat the fuck-"

"Jimmy, fucking stop it!"

"No Y/N, I've watched you get hurt too many times before, you don't deserve this- oh my god. This is all my fault, I knew exactly what he was capable of and I-I let him have you. Oh my-"

"Jim's," you placed your hand on his shoulder, "I'm pregnant, he doesn't know yet..."

He gasped, "No, not with his kid."

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