Chapter 1

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Ally's Pov.

I drag my suitcase behind me with my dad carrying the rest of my things in front of me. I follow closely behind him before I lead him to my dorm and knock on the door before it swings open to reveal a tall, slim girl with black hair and pale white skin.

"Uhm... I'm Ally Anderson. This is my dorm. Are you McKenzie Nicolson?" I ask as a smile appears on her face.
"Yeah, I'm McKenzie. Come on in Ally. Is this your dad?" She asks as I nod.
"Yeah." I reply as we set all my stuff down on the my bed.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson." She says politely as my dad smiles.
"Just call me Pete or Peter. Alrighty then..." He trails off, "Well, this is it Ally. I'll see you whenever, okay?" He asks and I swear I can see tears forming in his eyes as he hugs me.
"Dad, don't worry, I'll be fine." I say as he nods and we say our goodbyes.

Once my dad had I left I took the time to take in my surroundings. The room had 5 walls in total, 2 walls were painted lavender and 3 walls were painted a pale yellow colour, which was almost white. McKenzie's bed was next to the wall furthest to left when you walk in, whereas mine was furthest to the right. There was a wardrobe and a set of draws on each side of the dorm room with a desk in the middle for us two to share, which also had 2 chairs placed in front.

Placed on top of the desk to the left was McKenzie's laptop which was plugged in with a lamp in the middle. The floor was wooden with a purple rug in the middle and in the corner to the furthest right, there stood a lamp.

Once I had took in all my surroundings, I unpacked my clothes and put them away neatly with my shoes before placing my laptop on the desk to the right and plugged it in before finishing making my bed and unpacking my stuff. Once I had finished, McKenzie had offered to show me around as I followed her around the campus.

"Okay, so campus is organised into cliques and groups. So you have the nerds, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the gamers, the goths, the skaters, the musicians and the weird, freaky meditation group. Here is our group, the popular group." She says as we walk over to a group of people, "Hey guys, this is Ally Anderson, Ally this is Max, Siva, Jay, Tom, Nareesha, Kelsey, Belinda and Darcy."
"Hi." I say smiling as they all smile back and welcome me into the group with a hug until I notice a guy watching us from the car park.
"Hi Ally. We hope you enjoy it here." Nareesha says as I smiles.
"McKenzie, who's that?" I ask as she looks over to this boy that was watching us, well... me.
"Oh, I haven't introduced you to Nathan." She says as she grabs my wrist and pulls me over, "Hey Nathan!" She exclaims as he gives her a hug and looks at me.

I take a minute to take in his features. He had hypnotising green eyes, a cute button nose, thin pink lips and a cute smile.

"Hi, I'm Nathan." He says to me as my breath hitches.

Damn, his voice is so sexy... SHUT UP ALLY! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!

"Hi, I'm A... A...Ally." I reply as he smirks at me.
"Well, A... A... Ally." He says with a smile, "We're gonna get along just fine. This is my second year here, so I know my way around and I can help you out." He says as I nod.
"Uhm... Thank you." I say as I then realise that McKenzie had left us and gone somewhere with the other group.
"Hey, do you want to go to lunch down at the café down the road? We can get to know each other." He says as I agree and we walk down to Café Neptune before sitting down and ordering drinks.

After we start talking we get along really well and he is just the most amazing guy I have ever met and when I say that, I mean it.

"So, are you going to that party tonight?" He asks me as I look at him.
"What party? I didn't know there was a party." I say as he smiles.
"Yeah, we're all going to this massive house party tonight. It's gonna be epic. You should come..." He pauses, "As my plus 1." He says as I smile.
"I would, but No thanks. I mean, have you seen my style. I don't have anything to wear." I say as he smiles brightly at me before we leave.
"Oh, I can fix that. Come with me." He says as we get in his car.

We pull up outside a massive house before I follow him inside.

"Mom! Jess!" He shouts as an older lady and a girl who looks a bit younger than me walk towards us.
"Nathan, who's you friend?" His mom, I presume, asks.
"Mom, this is Ally. Ally, this is mom and Jess. We need Jess' help." Nathan says as Jess smiles.
"Party clothes? Already on it." Jess says taking my hand and pulling me upstairs to her bedroom.

She pulls out a yellowish gold top, with white trousers, a silver jacket and some red flats.

"Done." She says as we walk back don the stairs, "Do you own makeup?" She asks as I nod.
"Hair straighteners and curlers?" his mom adds on as I nod.
"Great, you're all set." Nathan says as I smile and wave his family bye as we get back in the car on the way back to uni,  "I'll pick you up at 6." He says as I nod before Nathan goes to class and I take Jess' stuff to my dorm.

I walk into my dorm to find McKenzie searching something up on her laptop.

"Hey." She says as I smile.
"Hey, what you doing?" I ask as she turns to me.
"Researching The battle of Hastings for History. Doing a project." She says before turning round, "So where did you and Nathan disappear to?"
"We just went to the café, had a chat and met his mom and sister, where I got some clothes for the party tonight. He's picking me up at 6." I say as she smiles at me.
"Grab your make up, straighteners and curlers, I'm doing that. Go take a shower and get dressed then I'll do the rest." She says as I nod and smile.

When I return to the dorm room, McKenzie had set everything up to do my makeup and hair.

"Are you not going?" I ask her as she smiles.
"Of course I'm going, but I need to sort you out first." She says as I smile.
"Who's taking you?" I ask as she shrugs.
"I think I'm just gonna walk with Jay." She says as I look at her through the mirror.
"OMG! You have a thing for Jay." I say as she goes a bright red colour.
"No, shush... Don't tell him." She says as I laugh.
"Hmm... Maybe, maybe not." I say as she finishes my hair and starts on my makeup.

Once she had finished and went for a shower, I looked at myself in the full length mirror and smile a little. At 6, I heard a knock on my dorm room door before opening it to find Nathan stood there.

"Woah." He says as I blush a little, "You look absolutely gorgeous." He adds on as I smile.
"Thank you, Nathan. You look so handsome." I say as he smiles and takes my hand, entwining our fingers together as I blush harder.

I could get used to this...


Okay, so here is the first chapter of Shattered! I hope you like it and this one is probably gonna be the longest book I've ever written considering, the chapters are gonna be long with description and shit and I want this to carry on for a while and it's gonna be like 1 chapter is day, another chapter is night sort of thing, blah, blah, blah. I wanna thank my bestie DeannaDockrey for making my book cover, so yeah! ENJOY!

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