Chapter 15

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I smile as Nathan brings me my coffee after we'd both calmed down a little.

I love this boy so much, it's unbelievable.

"Thank you." I say as he kisses me softly.
"Its okay baby." He says as I smile and sigh.
"Hello Miss. Anderson. Are you ready for your shave?" A nurse asks as I nod and sit in the chair while Nathan watches them shave off all my long brown hair.

Once they'd finished, I get back I bed and sigh.

"You're still so beautiful." Nathan says as I smile and kiss him softly.
"You would be too." I reply as he smiles.
"You'll always be beautiful to me, Ally. I love you so much, I don't want this to end." Nathan says as I kiss him softly before pulling away as the tears start to fall from my eyes.
"I love you too, Nathan." I say before he entwines our fingers.

He kisses my forehead before pulling his chair closer to my bed as I get comfortable.

"Ally, what's happening? What are you doing?" He asks as my breathing starts to slow, "ALLY!" He yells as I place my free hand on his cheek.
"Goodbye, Nathan." I whisper before my eyes close and my world collapses into darkness...

Nathan's Pov.

"ALLY! ALLY!" I yell over and over again, trying to shake her awake, "No, no, no. Not now, Not yet. Please, Ally, wake up." I break down before panicking and running out of her room and out of the hospital before jumping into my car.

I drive away, far away from the hospital and out of Gloucester. I can't stay here. Not right now. I need to clear my head and never return. Not even to her funeral. I'm so sorry Ally. I'm so, so, so sorry Ally. I'm sorry.

Did I even love her or was this just a game?

Did I love Ally?


Okay guys, the next chapter is the epilogue in Nathan's Pov. Enjoy guys :) x

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now