Chapter 2

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Ally's Pov.

I arrive at the party with Nathan as we get out the car. He takes my hand again as we start to walk into the house. Every step we took the music got extremely louder.

This wasn't new to me as I have been to many house parties before, but not one where nearly the whole school attended. It was only 6:30pm and there was already beer cans, bottles and plastic cups everywhere with people passed out or making out.

I looked up at Nathan as he smiled at me and led me over to where the others were.

"Hey Ally!" They exclaimed as I smiled.
"Hey! Is McKenzie and Jay here yet?!" I shout over the music as they shake their heads.
"I haven't seen them since earlier. Did they leave before you?!" I shake my head.
"No! They left about 5mins after!" I shout as they laugh and Max gives me a cuddle.
"I don't know but I think I already like Ally! She's gonna be my bets friend!" He shouts as I laugh and cuddle him back before Nathan and I go to get a drink.

We grab our vodka and cokes before we go out into the back garden where there was party lights hung up with  a little over 5 people stood around talking. We walked down to the bottom of the garden where there was a garden swing and sat together.

"So, it looks like you've already settled in with the friendship group?" He asks as I shake my head.
"No, not yet. I mean, I would like to, but... I don't know them enough, yano?" I say as he nods.
"I get it. You need to get to know someone and be able to trust them before you settle with them or think about any sort of friendship or relationship?" He asks as I smile and nod.
"Finally someone who gets me. Nobody else understands why I struggle to make friends or even keep a relationship longer than a week." I say as he laughs.
"Trust me Ally, you'll find someone who is so passionate and as serious as you are about your relationship that it'll last longer than a week. I promise you." He says as I smile and wrap my arms round his waist.
"I already trust you. You're a nice guy Nathan." I say as he wraps his arms round me.

We stayed sat outside and talked for a while longer until we got cold and ecided to go inside. When we returned, Max was drinking and dancing with Tom and Siva, while Kelsey and Nareesha hung with the other two girls, who's names I can't remember, and I look for McKenzie who, of course, had probably told her feelings to Jay and was now making out with him in a corner.

"Looks like they're all having fun and we're not!" Nathan shouts to me as I turn to him.
"We could!" I shout back as he smiles at me and moves closer to me, his face inches away from mine.

Just before he could kiss me, my phone starts to buzz in my pocket as I turn my head away and check my phone.

"Uhm... I gotta take this." I say running to the garden swing and answering my phone.

"Hi dad."

/Hey, I'm sorry for disturbing you. Are you at a party?/

"Yeah, but it's okay. What's up?"

/Charlotte needs to talk to you/

"Hey Char."

/I just want you to know that I'm visiting you at uni tomorrow. So text me your dorm room and I'll see you at 10, bye./

And then she hangs up as I sigh and text her. I return into the house before seeing Nathan making out with a blonde chick as I sigh and sit down.

"Hey!" I hear someone shout over the music as I turn to see a really cute boy with blue eyes and brown hair sit beside me.
"Hey! I'm Ally!" I shout back as he smiles.
"Issac!" He replies as I smile and invite him outside so we can talk properly.

We go for a walk before we start talking again.

"So, this is your first year at University?" he asks as I nod.
"Uh... Yeah." I say as he smiles.
"I know it's hard on your first day, trust me. I'm one of the popular geeks, you see, but as you progress through these next four years you'll get invited to parties every weekend and you'll get more popular the more you agree to go." He explains as I nod and smile.
"Well, I'm in with McKenzie's group." I say as he smiles at me.
"Yes! I know McKenzie and her group. They're nice people." He says as I smile.
"I know. Well, I should get back to them and you get back to yours." I say as he agrees and we go back.

I walk in to find Nathan still making out with a blonde chick as I sit down. I like how we were so close to kissing and he would be my first kiss, but I go answer my phone then find him making out with another girl.

I sit on my own for about 10mins just watching everyone looking depressed before I decided to get some drinks and get drunk. I can't bear to be depressed anymore. After I had gotten through 4 vodka and cokes, 5 WKD's and a beer, I wasn't the slightest bit sober.

 I joined Max in playing spin the bottle with everyone before getting bored after 5mins and excused myself from the game.

I walk out to the front and see Nathan stood by his car talking to that blonde chick. I sigh and walk past htem, trying to make my way to a McDonald's or something as I hear someone running after me.

"Hey, Ally. Where you going?" I hear Issac's voice as I smile.
"I'm trying to get to a McDonald's. Come with?" I slurr as he laughs.
"Okay, but first, let's sober you up." He says taking me for coffee and buying me a water.

After I sobered up a little, we walked to McDonald's together before ordering some food and starting to eat.

"Okay, so, why'd ya leave the party?" He asks as I shrug.
"I got bored, also, Nathan Sykes... There's something about him that I can't put my finger on. He was going to kiss me too, but then I left because my sister needed to speak to me. But then I found him kissing another girl. The party made me kind of depressed, so I needed to leave anyway." I say as he smiles at me.
"Well, here's another friend for you." Issac says as I smile.
"Thanks." I say as we finish eating and walk back to the university together.

We arrive at my dorm room as Issac and I exchange numbers and agree to hang out soon.

"Bye, Ally." He says as I smile. 
"Bye, Issac." I say before kissing his cheek and entering my dorm and shutting the door.

I smile to myself before changing my clothes to my pyjamas, taking off all of my makeup and tying my hair in a bun. I then set my alarm for 8:30 and go to sleep.

I have a long day tomorrow.


Okay, so here's Chapter 2. You have 2 updates in one day! Who's proud of me?! Anyway, My girlfriend is the best and I love her so much, so I'm gonna go and tell her how amazing she is and how much better she is then everyone else, okay? Bye.

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