chapter 2

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It all started  in one sunny day...she went to the library as usual to study ,all faces were  familiar to her,just another boring day.While she was admiring the view outside,she came across a boy who was sitting next to the window ,he was so hot ,he passes his hand through his wavy brown hair ,his hand close to his face ,he was showing his luxurious watch ,his green eyes shined like two diamonds ,he was just Mr perfect!she was puzzled,perplexed she felt like she was in some sort of a film and he is the main actor,she wondered why she have never seen him before, suddenly he looked towards her ,their looks just came across ,she pretended to be looking to the book but she have seen him smiling "did he caught me? Omg why I was looking? " she decided to go back to her studies but she couldn't keep her eyes from him .
since that day he became her mystery  ...she wanted to know all about him ,he stole her thoughts and even appeared in her dreams .she told her friend about him
"Sophie are you insane? I mean how can you be so obsessed  about someone you don't even know? "anna told her.
"It's not obsession ,he is  maybe my first love? you knew me since my childhood and you know that I've never been that way "
"that's exactly why I find it weird because it's ..not like you"
"Okay I got it I will forget about him and focus on going to Harverd ,happy now? "
"It's just because I don't want you to be hurt ,a boy like him will cause you only troubles ,didn't you see his watch or his t-shirt? they are all high fashion ,I heared that he is from a wealthy family and he is not the type that dates girls he just goes out with them for fun"
"Do you know his name? "
"yeah it's harry "
"mm I see ,I wonder why I haven't seen him before in our school"
"Ah about that ,he was living in london for 3 years ,but they say that he is back because he had some problems there!"
"ok that was enough  let's stop talking about him I will just stick to your advice"

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