chapter 6

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The next moring ,they have met in the hallway,she greeted him first
"Good morning harry"
"Oh !hey good morning sophie" he answered
"It's going to be a long day ,we have a full schedule "she said desperatly
"What about escaping some lessons?" Harry suggested
"Can we really do it ?" she asked
"Yeah since it's our first week we are allowed to not to come "he answered while laughing
"Ok let's go !Any plans?"she asked
"what do you want to do? "
"I don't have anything in mind right now,maybe smth funny?"
"Just follow me then  you won't regret it "harry said looking confident
He took her to the zoo .Once they got in,she opened her mouth with surprise
"Is the Zoo supposed to be funny? "
"I will be 19 in 2 months I am not a kid "She added
"Just do as I say ,I am older than you anyway "he said trying to piss her off
"I wish I was in class right now ,I am crazy to follow you "she responded
"Can't you cooperate a little? "he asked
"ok the day has been ruined anyway  let's do whatever we are here for "She said
He bought pop corn then they walked next to the cages ,they went to the monkey cage where harry tried to feed him pop corn
"Harry seriously can't you read? the instruction says that you can't feed animals "
"So what ?don't you want to do smth funny?"
"well hmm of course "
"Then shut up and watch "
Harry threw pop corn ,the monkey moved so fast to catch it ,it was funny like a sort of dance they laughed so hard  like they have never laughed but  unfortunatly the zookeeper caught them.As he was running towards them harry screamed "Run sophie run!"
They runned so fast, they laughed a lot like childs ,they've finally found a place to hide in.After the zookeeper has gone they tried to leave the zoo quitley without being caught ,they were walking carefully
"I feel like we are spies"sophie laughed
"It seems like you watch a lot of movies"said harry trying to joke
"Bingo !I do "she replied
"what about you do you love them?"
"Movies? oh no they are not really my thing !I prefer reading books"
"But you don't look like someone who reads books "
"You can't judge people by their looks.People are like books all you can see is  the cover or the name but everyone of us has his own story that you have to discover "
"Wow now you look really like someone who reads books"
"I am glad that you finally realised that !"
"And I am really willing to discover the "Harry styles " book"
She wasn't that shy girl anymore ,at that moment she was exactly the person she is trying to be : herself .
After moment of silence , harry finally said:
"But this one is complicated ,you may get lost while reading"
"I don't like easy things anyway ,I want to try "

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