Chapter 7

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-What are your plans for the week-end? asked harry
-I don't have something in my mind right now!maybe I will just stay in the dormitory .answered sophie
-Let's go to the cinema and watch a movie!he suggested
-But you don't like movies !
-Well It's just a way to spend saturday night !
-No let's not go to the cinema we can watch a movie on the computer
-Okay!what about going to the fair ?
-Great Idea I really want to try the roller coaster .she screamed happily
-so prepare yourself I will take you at 8 a.m
-I am so excited !
Saturday night at 8 a.m ,she waited him in front of the dormitory ,she saw a car coming then she realised it was him
-Hey come in!said harry
-You have a car?you drive?
-It's my older brother car I just borrowed it and yeah I can drive .He said
As soon as they reached the fair she screamed with joy while seeing the big roller coaster moving and hearing people's screams
-Let's go then !said harry !
-Ready for the first ride? he added
-More than ready !she said
They went on their first ride,as the roller coaster satrted to move ,they closed their eyes slowly ,she caught his hand to feel more secure and he welcomed it .
It's now up and down ,it moves so fast and she is holding his hand ,this is really something beyond her dreams ,being with someone you love in the place you love the most,she opened her eyes to see the sky fall of shining stars ,each one tries to show off it's story ,but that night her story was the most beautiful one.She turned to him and he was looking at her with a big smile .. It's now stronger, the up and down ,the shaking ,they started to scream and laugh ,the real ride started that moment ...
-Do you want another ride? asked harry
-Of course I do !she answere
-Let's go then
The second ride was even better than the first ride ,she felt happy like a child ,she felt like she is being herself that night ,she enjoyed his comapny ,she loved the way he laugh just like a little boy,his big smile,even the way he screams it was cool!
As they finished their second ride he turned to her saying
-What shall we do now?
-I don't know!Let's try another game maybe?
-car racing? he said
-yes yes cool I agree
They played car racing and it was cool ,she was so good at it .
-You are pretty good sophie !for a girl this is amazing
-That was my favorite game when I was little girl ,I used to play it with my older brother ,he taught me
-He is a good teacher I admit!
-I see something cool that we can do !said sophie
-What is it ?
-I want to win that bear !
-you love bears? he asked
-Yeah and I have a lot of them
-Trust me I will win it for you
-you think you can?
-You still don't know me yet
They went to play,he just had to shot 4 bottles at once,the first 3 tries were a failure she made fun of him
-So I don't know you right? sophie said while laughing
-Wait for me I promised you
-Okay but I am.afraid that we might stay the whole night here..and
-I did it I did it !he iterrupted her
-Well you did it !High five !
He was happier about wining more than she was happy about the bear it was a cool game
-It's cold tonight .said sophie
-yeah it is.
He put off his jacket and he gave it to her ,it was such a nice move from him that made her happy
-Bring more clothes with you because I am not going to give you my jacket the next time!said harry trying to be sarcastic

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