Chapter 4

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Fate knew how to play his game well ,once she got to the university ,she discovered that the one who got the scholarship was him :Harry styles .
At that moment she felt like she is going to faint ,she saw him coming towards her...her heart beats so fast
"Hey!I think I have seen you before !"harry said
"Yeah..We are from the same high school as I think " she replied
"oh nice !I am harry by the way "he added
"I am sophie " she said trying to be calm
"Nice to meet you sophie "he said while smiling
His smile killed her inside she hold herself together trying to find a reply
"Nice to meet you too harry!hm...Our first lesson will start in 20 minutes so are you coming?"
"yeah but  I have something to do!I will leave you here !see you then"he respond quickly
"ok bye " she said feeling a little bit disappointed
She still can't believe that the guy who talked to her was harry ...she walked inside looking for the classrom with a lot of thoughts in her head.

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