chapter 3

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He was sitting on the bench reading a book, she passed next to him she felt something , electricity maybe? she was listenning to her favorite music ,earphones on ,he saw her ,he kept looking at her while she was walking away he felt something weird ,smth unusual ,at that moment he felt like he should know who she is ,he followed her but she disappeared ...
Finally she got the scholarship that she wanted badly ,she was happier than ever but she felt empty inside ...
She was told that only her and another student from her high school got this scholarship she wanted to knew whom but she was busy preparing herself ..
It's the D-day today,after saying goodbye to all her family members and her friends at the airport ,she got on the plane ,once she got on she felt like her life was going to change ,a new gate is opened for her now.The flight has already started .She is now far ,faraway from her empty life.

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