The news

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------after school------
"Thx for the ride ash" I say hopping out of her car. I always get rides home from school from her. "No prob" she says smiling "ok we'll have fun In Florida and make sure to send me pics and text me, hope you have a fun summer there" I yell as I walk up the path that leads to my house "duh of course and I hope u have a good summer to" she yells back "thank you, bye ash" I say then open the door. I sigh I'm so glad school is finally out for the summer I think to myself. I walk in the kitchen to get something to eat and realize my dad is standing there with my suitcase I look at him strangely. "Please take a seat sweetheart" my dad say sternly. I slowly pull out the kitchen table chair not taking my eye off him then I finally sit. "What is it dad is everything ok?" I ask worried "well yes" he says slowly like he was about to say something else but trailed off in thought. "I'm dropping you off at your mothers beach house for the summer in Malibu" he says fastly and nervously he knew I was pissed "WHAT!!!" I scream " ya but hunny I have a job I'm working on and I have to be there 24/7 I can't come home to keep checking on you" he says in defense " I'm not 2 I can stay here by myself" I yell frustrated "sorry sweetie but the plans were already made" he says in a harsh tone "but dad" I say then he interrupts
"here go pack I just got this down for you from the closet" he says firmly. I take the suitcase and stomp up the stairs and go to my room to start packing. God I hate my mother I can't stand her she's fucking bitch I think in my head. I jam some stuff from my closet into my bag and then grab my phone and text Ashley.
Me: hey ash guess what! you won't believe what just happened!
Ash: what?
Me: my dad is making me go to my fucking mothers for the summer because he has a job that he has to go to 😭🔫
Ash: wat I thought u hated ur mother
Me: yea I do!!!
Ash: omg I'm sorry but I'm getting on the plane now I g2g ttyl
Me: ok have fun, wish me luck!😡
I turn my phone off and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. I hear my dad yell "malia get down here we gotta leave" my dad is luckily driving me to Malibu though, god it's ganna be a long ride. I walk down the stairs with my suitcase and out the door. I put my suitcase in my dads trunk of the car. And we leave. I fell asleep from our house and then woke up to a sign that said welcome to Los Angeles so I only had a few more minutes to sleep and wanted to enjoy my quiet well I got it because my mom likes to fight with me and my dad. So I close my eyes.

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