The sunset

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I hear a knock on my door. My mom wasn't home yet so I figured maybe it's her. Still in my pajamas I walk over to the door and unlock it and open it. To my surprise no one was there. I look down to see a little box sitting on the stair wrapped in wrapping paper I pick it up and it read "to Malia I figured I still owed you one haha -Channing" I laugh and take the box into my house and shut the door again and lock it. I sit on the couch and began to open the box. I rip all the paper off and finally get to the box I began to open the tapped end with my nails and I looked inside. It was a pink iPhone 5c just like my old one. Omg I got another phone. I smile to myself turning it on.
1 hour later......
After setting up the iPhone.
I decide to go to the beach to tan and hopefully not go for another swim. I grab my beach towel with tropical flowers on it and put my bathing suit on still exposing my bandage from when I got cut and put my hair in a bun. I grab my new phone and my sunglasses then walk out the door and lock it behind me. I walk down the beach near the water it's about 5:30 so the suns not too hot but not too cold. I find a spot near the water but not too close and set my beach towel down and sit down. I pull my sunglasses down from on my head and layed down.
A few hours later...
It's sunset now. I sit up and watch it staring off into it thinking. I hear someone walk up behind me and I turn around fast alarmed to it was only Channing. "Hey" he says and sits in the sand next to me "hi" I say back staring into the sunset "it's beautiful" he says "what" I ask totally confused "the sunset" he tells me "oh ya and thanks for the phone by the way" I tell him now looking at him "no prob I owed you one after what happened when we first met" he says laughing "ya" we're both looking at each other now his eyes are so green. Then my phone starts to go off I jump having a mild heart attack "shit" I swear aloud Channing laughs "oops I should probably get that" I giggle turning on the pink iPhone I see a unknown number I click the answer button "hello?" I ask "hi is this Malia King?" They ask "yea?" I say "your mother is in the hospital she has cancer I'm very sorry" the person says which I'm guessing is a nurse "WHAT???" I scream panic "yea she's in bayside hospital room 227" the nurse tells me "ok thx" I hang up the phone sighing. "What's wrong" Channing says "my moms in the hospital with cancer" I say. I may hate her but not that much that I want her to die "I'm sorry I have to go" I say picking my stuff up and leaving.

A/N : I hope u guys like it. Im sorry it's been a while since I updated I've been busy with cheering and school shopping, high schools starting soon my first year ugh😬.Anyways ⭐️ and follow plz you don't have to but I'd appreciate it. Can u guys plz comment some ideas too if I like it I'll give you dedication. 😘

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