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Day 6-Monday 6th January 2020

We have a lead ....I think.

We found some evidence from those guys that leads us straight back to the place that we found the journal and the map in. Strange huh? Considering it's really the only reason we found the suitcase so quickly in the first place. 

Did they leave it out for someone else to find,  or did they somehow know about us. That place had been fairly easy to get into. There's so many variables and possibilities it's hard to know what it was left like that for.

I've taken a quick scan over the journal that we found. Unlike the maps I brought this along with us but I can't seem to read much more into it than a bunch of plans. I can't tell if this could be linked to those people that took the suitcase from us or not. Besides the dates written in here appear to be written in code so there's no way to tell whether this journal is a few months old or fifty. 

Will's been trying to break into the insiders police file system and see if anyone that fits our description is listed in there. We need to know as much about them as possible. So far it doesn't seem like there's all that much on them though. He's going to keep trying but I'm not sure if these people have ever been caught or we just don't have the right info.  

Dan managed to get in contact with the outsiders. Things have been the same as ever, but there's a lot of excitement building at the prospect that we might have found the suitcase. Overnight I've become some figure for all of this, apparently someone's been making posters of me based on a little film thing we made a few months back when we first learnt of the suitcase and the power it would give us against the silence. Apparently they're hung in all the hidden areas, Dan tried to show me a blurry picture they'd managed to send through of one. It was embarrassing and kind of cool at the same time.  It was nice knowing that the other outsiders were thinking of us though. It shouldn't really surprise me, there were some talented artists back at the camp.  

All I know is we're talking about going back to that place we found the notebook in. If all goes to plan it should be tomorrow. I wonder if we'll find anything there. Hopefully we can find somewhere nicer to stay in than this dumpy cellar we're hiding in at the moment. I don't think I'm going to sleep well tonight,  even the Outsiders camp was nicer than here. It might have been leaky but at least I couldn't see all the cobwebs like I can here.

Chrissy <3 

A/N: I might need to come back and edit this later, as I haven't given this a full edit. This is what happens when you write late at night. So please let me know if theres any errors in here. Hope you're enjoying this. :)

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