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I never thought I'd live to write in this book again.

However, here I am with a pen in hand and a new sense of purpose. 

H. helped us out a lot. I don't think we would've made it out of there without her. It wasn't too dramatic a guard came and called for me, and I followed them out of my cell. We walked through the corridors and I thought that perhaps it was finally my end. I'd thought it would be coming for some time now, I was too much for the silence to handle. 

No one looked two ways at us as we walked through though. I saw the pity in some of the other prisoners eyes as we walked back. How I hope that all of them are as lucky as I am and make it beyond these walls someday.

Eventually we came to set of double doors, the woman that was bringing me out simply swiped her key card through the door. The tracking device on my wrist became free a few seconds later. I looked at her in confusion as she lead me outside past a barbed wire fence. I could see a black mini-van up ahead. My stomach sunk at that point because I thought that they were just moving me again. 

However when the door opened up, I couldn't believe it when I saw the faces of the rest of the guys. Will, Cameron, Dan, Pete, Patrick, Joe and Andy. From the drivers seat I could also see H. I think I almost burst into tears, I didn't think I would be so glad to see the others again, we'd been separated because males and females were kept separate. I think they were all glad to see me again too. They'd fought hard though, I could see the grime on their faces. Some had marks of blood and bruises. The males side obviously wasn't as friendly as ours had been. I'd had the place to myself.  

Not really much to say about prisoner life other than what H. wrote but I'm glad to be out of there. I wasn't kidding when I said there wasn't much to write about, maybe the rat that I saw but that was about it. As I mentioned I was alone in my cell which was a plus but also a little bit lonely. 

Our plans have turned into something much bigger now though. Three new helpers (and finally another of them is a girl!) We can get this show back on the road. The plan is essentially the same as before, only difference is that we have a lot of back up. It helps having friends that have a fake alliance with the silence. We've got a lot of cover. I'm impressed, I just hope that we can trust them and that no one will end up being the ones to take us down instead. I think that's my biggest fear in all of this.

So yes the plan is back on tomorrow! We're not sure how much time we have before someone realises what's going on or tries to rat us out. We've made it to a bigger stage this time, a large shopping center forecourt with dozens of places to run if we get caught like last time. (An old theater was not the best for us last time) Also more people! 

At least this time it looks like we'll have a shot. As H. wrote, it's not a dream anymore it's worth fighting for! Man, I haven't heard that one in years. My thirteen year old self is so disappointed that I'd forgotten that line. The silence wiped things like that out only a few years later. 

While I'm glad to see the boys again. It sucks having to deal with Pete and his idiocy. Have I ever mentioned how much he frustrates me? Oh wait, I already have. Won't go into details but I wish he'd stayed in that jail cell.

Think that's about all then, hopefully this won't be my last entry. Maybe by this time tomorrow things might have begun to change. 


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