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Day Eleven-Saturday 11th January 2020

I can't believe it. Here they are now groveling to us to let them work with us. What hypocrites. Apparently their so impressed with what we did to trick to them that they want to work with us. I'm scared that their trying to trick us back but Dan, Will and Cameron all think their intentions are in the right place. I'm sitting up in the loft, letting the boys work it out as I write in this. I don't want to be the one blamed when the Youngbloods back stab us to get the glory. I want that to be recorded in here if something wrong goes on between us. Someone needs to know I thought working with them was stupid. I bet future me will look at this one day and think I should've done something.

I still hate them, but the balls out of my court. I can hear them now. Their agreeing, the Youngbloods are going to be working closely with us. I think they might even be going to bunker here with us. Can things get any worse? 

My first impressions on all of them now that they want to work with us:

Pete: He's the one who stole that damn suitcase from me in the police car-I'm not forgiving him. He's a jerk.

Joe: He seems to be the brains of their group. Possibly nice but he's with the rest of them so no.

Andy: Terrifying, there's something that seems dangerous about him behind his dark sunglasses. I plan to stay as far away from him as possible. I don't trust him. I think I've seen him smile once.

Patrick: Maybe he could be nice. He seems to let the others do the talking for him. He seems different to the rest of them somehow, but I can't put my finger on what though. I feel kind of bad for stealing the suitcase from him. 

Well maybe this isn't how I planned on us getting back the world we once loved with eight rebels, but despite my fears-I hope this works. It has to.

Chrissy. <3

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