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Day 8-Wednesday 8th January 2020

Well we didn't find them at the abandoned theme park.

I was right though, we did find more outsiders though that had escaped. We're still here at the theme park though. Who would've thought I'd be spending my night in a ghost train?

As I look around I can see the years of rust, beginning to crack the once beautiful facade and memories this place once held for people. It's only been a few years since the silence, but already I can see its influence spreading through this place. I'd come to this theme park as a kid. If I close my eyes for just a second I can see this place for how it used to be.

Back to the outsiders themselves though, much like those back at the camp. They are mostly kind-hearted people, both intelligent and brave. Some older, some younger. A group of teens is working on a group of inventions, they're trying as hard as possible to make this place better for everyone. There's a small boy here only six or seven that can turn the entire kitchen into his orchestra, as he bangs onto the pots and pans with his father. Kids like him give me hope for the future, but I also hate that they've been brought into a world like this.

Despite their hospitality, I'm worried for them. There's rumours going around that they'll start tearing this place down in a few weeks. The silence is onto them I suppose. All I can think of is, where will they live? What will become of these amazingly talented people. They assure me that they'll be fine but I can see it in their eyes that all of this is bothering them. I'd be scared too. They're outsiders though, so I know that their tough. We can find our way out of anything.

One good thing has come out of this though. They know our suitcase thieves. Apparently, their a group called the Youngblood's. Everyone thought them to be dead, but apparently, they showed up here last night claiming that they'd found what they needed. I guess we were a day too late. We should have come here yesterday.

Everyone here seems to worship them like they're god's. All I can think of is that guys smirk as he took the suitcase right from under us. I can't understand why they'd want to worship that.

One of them claims to know where to find them and says that they can take us to them. He looks a few years older than us. The 'Youngblood's' seem to move a lot as well so I don't like our chances. But, we're willing to take anything at this point so I nod.

Guess I better get some rest now, I'm exhausted and it looks like we have another massive day tomorrow.

Chrissy <3 

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