Chapter 8

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"Here's what we're gonna do. Sumarize our dates but don't leave out important details. Got it?" Kay said. "Got it." I said.
"Well Brian and I walked around and we went on different rides. On the smaller ones he acted all macho and stuff but on the bigger ones I felt like I was the guy in the relationship. I got him to hold my hand for like 30 seconds and he kissed me on the cheek two or three times." Kay said. "Kayla. Brian is like a brother to me but he need to get his act together or else he's going to lose you. He treats you like he doesnt care. You have to force him to give you attention and that isn't okay. You can't keep letting him treat you like you're not his queen."
"I guess..." Kayla said. "What happened with you and Rob?"
"Well he was sweet to me. We held hands and kissed and stuff but there was some girl with barely any clothes on and I knew he was gonna stare at her even before he saw her. I got an attitude because of it."
"You and your attitudes." Kay shook her head. "How about you Sky? How'd things go with you and Will?"
"Things went well." I said. " We got to know each other better. He's very sweet. We laughed and blushed a lot. And he won me this" I held up the stuffed giraffe.
"That's great." Kay said.
"And he asked me to be his girlfriend" I said quickly under my breath hoping they wouldn't catch it.
I chuckled. "Well he asked me right before we got over here. I didn't give him an answer though because I'm really not sure. I don't want to rush into anything"

I looked past Kayla's head and I felt all the blood drain from my face. It was getting harder and harder for me to breathe and it took me a second to realize that Kayla was trying to talk to me. "What's wrong Sky?"
"Uhhh...nothing...can we go somewhere else please?" I said quickly but it was too late. They already saw me.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in." the dreaded voice said. Jeffery Cunningham and his girlfriend Mary Santos stood before us holding hands as if to mock me. "Go away Jeffery." I said. "Come on Sky. Don't be like that. Remember all the good times we had together?"
"You mean the time you used me for a laugh then threw me away like a piece of trash?"
"That's where girls like you belong sweet heart" He said reaching towards my face as if he was trying to console me. "That's enough." Will said strongly. I didn't realize that him and all the guys came over to us. "Who's this? Your new boyfriend? Well I'm here to tell you, she's not worth it." Jeffery said putting a hand on his shoulder. Will angrily pushed Jeffery's arm away. "Leave now and I won't hurt you in front of your girlfriend." Will said as he towered about 6 or 7 inches above Jeffery.

"You hurt me? I think not." Jeffery said smugly.
"Come on babe. Let's go. They're not worth it." Mary said glaring at me. Mary walked away Jeffery in tow. I glanced at Will and he was shaking a little. Everyone else was looking pretty confused but relived that everything was over. "Are you okay?" Will asked me. "Yeah I'm fine. I should probably tell you guys what all of that was about." I said. They all just stood around me and waited for me to expain.

"That was my ex boyfriend Jeffery. Last year, he was really sweet to me and asked me out. I said yes and I thought things were going well until I found out that he was just dating me because one of his friends dared him to. Then when I confronted him, he spread rumors about me around the school and that's why I had to switch schools." I told them. My eyes slightly watery. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Sky" Kayla said. They all surrounded me and gave me a huge hug.

After the hug, Will pulled me to the side. "I know we haven't known each other for long but I know you well enough to say that you're worth it. You deserve to be treated like a queen because that is exactly what you are. I would be stupid to let you go. That's why I asked you to be my girlfriend." He looked into my eyes sincerely. I stood there speachless. I decided that I should take a chance. "Yes." Is all I said. At first Will was confused but then realization, along with a huge smile, spread across his face.

He grabbed my hand and we walked over to the others. "She said yes!" He yelled and threw our connected hands in the air. All the boys hollered and the girls cheered. I couldn't do anything but stand there and blush. I couldn't believe that someone could care about me this much but here he was holding my hand. He's different from other guys that I've liked in the past but I believe that this is the beginning of something new.

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