A New Lightsaber

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Ahsoka elegantly flipped down the walls of the pyramid-like temple, regrouping with the rest of the crew.

"We need to go," said Ahsoka, beckoning for one of the group members to lead them away.

"Not so fast," came Vader's half-mechanical, half-real voice, since part of his mask was torn away.

"Vader!" Ahsoka shouted as she ignited her two blades. "Three of you go, get Kanan to force push you up!" she told the crew. They obliged, Sabine, Zeb and Hera flying up the hole in the ground.

"Did you honestly think that you could beat me?" Vader said, rhetorically. Ashoka force pushed Vader as far as she could.

"Kanan, go! When you're up pull me up!" she shouted and pushed Kanan up to the surface.

"So honourable," said Vader. "I don't think you can be honourable when you're dead!" he shouted and used the force to augment a jump at Ahsoka. Their lightsabers clashed, two of Ahsoka's faint yellow ones against Vader's single, deadly red one. Ahsoka collapsed the clash and roundhouse-kicked Vader in the head and force pushed him away again.

"Kanan!" she yelled. Ashoka felt herself ascending until she was at the surface. "We need to go! Tell Hera to start takeoff!" she said as they rushed inside the ship.


"Ezra?" Ahsoka called, after learning about his strange behaviour.

"Ahsoka?" he called back. He opened the door to his room and rushed out into the hub. They hugged and Ezra started to cry.

"I thought you were dead!" he said. Kanan and Hera exchanged glances of happiness.

"Ezra, I found you something," Kanan said picking the two lightsabers from his belt that he found and putting them behind his back. "Use the force. Left or right?" he asked.

"Left," Ezra replied instantly and Kanan pulled out the blue double-bladed lightsaber.

"It could do with a bit of a clean and some modifications to make it your own," Kanan said.

"Thanks!" he shouted and ran to his room.


Ezra sat with the double-bladed lightsaber on his desk. The teenage boy was focusing on the weapon so he could take it apart and rebuild it. The sleek metal casing disconnected itself and lay down on a different part of the desk. The kyber crystal and the switch came apart next until all of the parts lay on the desk. Ezra wrapped the metal hilt in leather and then reassembled the lightsaber in the way he wanted.

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