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Ezra stood up in his cell, groggily. He walked about a bit, stretching his aching legs. How long had he been asleep? Why couldn't he get out of his cell? He banged his fist on the cell door.

"Hello? Why is the door locked?" he shouted. He heard a mechanical beep, presumably from Chopper. He then heard a whirring noise. "Chopper?" he shouted. He could now hear mumbled speech. Footsteps approached.

"Ezra?" Kanan asked at his door.

"Kanan! Why am I in here?" he asked. "Why is the door locked?"

"You don't remember?" Kanan asked.

"" Ezra replied.

" sort of...tried to kill me," he replied.

"No. You're lying," Ezra replied rather sheepishly. "Why would I try to kill you?"

"Well, I gave you a new lightsaber, then you went to rebuild it in your room, then we went on a supply run to Ibaar. After we came out of hyperspace, a cargo freighter picked us up and you and Maul were standing there in the hangar with red lightsabers."

"What? I can remember rebuilding my lightsaber, but it was blue. And since when did we go on a supply run to Ibaar? Isn't there a blockade there?" he asked.

"Yes, there was a blockade. Commander Sato told us it had moved, though."

"I'm as confused as you are. I don't remember doing any of that stuff. I would never try to...kill you," Ezra said. He started to cry and his door opened.

"I know you wouldn't Ezra. Maul must have force persuaded you," Kanan replied, clutching Ezra to his chest. Ezra hugged him back.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, and clung to Kanan more.

"Don't worry about it, you had no choice," Kanan said. "Anyway," Kanan began, changing the subject, "Commander Sato has told us to regroup with Cham Syndulla at Ryloth. He told us that Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine would be there."

"Really? Let's go!" Ezra exclaimed jumping up and running out of the room. "Hey everyone!" he said when he reached the hub, where everybody was sitting. Hera gave Kanan a "what-did-you-do?" look. Kanan replied with a "don't-ruin-it-he's-in-a-good-mood" look. "Are we going then?"

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