Evacuative Rescue

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<< MAUL'S POV >>

I looked up at the intruder, the one who blocked my killing blow, and saw a mere girl of her late teenage years. All of my plans, ruined because of a girl! I then glimpsed at what she had blocked me with.

The Darksaber! How could I've been so stupid to leave it behind!

Thoughts swirled in my mind uncontrollably, until my head hit something hard and everything went black.


"Come on!" Kanan shouted, Ezra hauled over his shoulder, to Sabine. The Mandalorian ran out of the room after the three Jedi.

"This is Spectre 5 to Spectre 2, requesting immediate regrouping outside of the main elevator!" Sabine shouted into her comlink. She had already clipped her new weapon to her belt, ready for use.

"Message received, leaving for the elevator." Sabine was about to turn off her comlink, until another message sent. "On second thoughts, Spectre 5, we're pinned down. Repurposed B1 Battle Droids have swarmed our location. The security cameras show that they're everywhere. Requesting backup."

"Request received, on our way." With that, Sabine snapped off her comlink. "Change of plans," she started to the three Jedi. "Hera and Zeb are pinned down, she's requested backup..."

"I'll go." Plo Koon interrupted. "You need to get back to the ship and make sure Ezra is okay. I fought in the Clone Wars, I know how to handle these droids."

"You make a good point. Come on," Kanan said and ran to the elevator. "Good luck!" he shouted as the elevator ascended to the surface. Plo Koon headed towards Hera and Zeb's position, sporadically cutting down the B1 Battle Droids as they appeared.


"Zeb!" Hera screamed, seeing that he took a shot to the shoulder from a ricocheted bolt.

"I'm okay Hera!" he shouted in reply, shooting another droid with his free arm. Suddenly, however, the B1 Battle Droids ceased firing and turned to shoot at something that Hera and Zeb couldn't currently see. Several seconds passed and mechanical limbs started to fly in their directions. After a few more seconds, Plo Koon's leathery skin appeared, and the droid's blaster bolts ceased.

"Come on! Are you all okay?" Plo Koon shouted from the end of the hall.

"Zeb took a shot to the shoulder, but he'll make it. Are you okay?" Hera replied.

"I'm fine, but we need to get going. Come on!" the Kel Dorian beckoned to himself with his hand. "The elevator's just around the corner there, once we're up there shouldn't be any more trouble." Plo Koon turned to lead the Twi'lek and Lasat to safety but was met instead with a sick and twisted glare by Darth Maul.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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