Supply Mission

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"Ezra! Hera's just called a meeting!" shouted Sabine.

"Okay coming!" shouted the teenager in reply who was in a much better mood since Kanan gifted him a new lightsaber. Once everyone was at the table, Hera began speaking.

"Commander Sato has given us orders to carry out another supply run to Ibaar," she said. "According to our sources, the blockade has moved, so this should be an easy mission," she continued. "We are heading there now."


"What? Commander Sato told us the blockade had moved!" Hera shouted, as she twisted the Ghost to avoid laser fire.

"We can't go back, it's too risky," said Kanan. "Get us to the surface, Hera."

"On it," the Twi'lek replied through gritted teeth. Though as soon as they had broken through the Imperial blockade, a cargo freighter had exited hyperspace, used its tractor beam to pull the Ghost in, and in seconds it had entered hyperspace again.

"What just happened?" Kanan asked frantically as streaks of blue sped past the cockpit viewport.

"We were pulled in by a tractor beam," Hera replied grabbing her pistols. Seemingly all of the Ghost crew sat in the hub.

"Where's Ezra?" Sabine asked. "Ezra!" she shouted, to no reply.

"We need a plan," Hera intervened. "We'll find Ezra later. Kanan and Zeb you provide cover fire whilst Sabine and I rush them from a flank," she said.

"It's a cargo freighter, will there be any hostiles?" Kanan replied.

"Always be prepared. Has everyone got it? Now let's go!" she said and pressed the button which opened the access ramp. What they saw, however, was not what they expected.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I assure you, the next chapter will be among the best. It should be released on the 15/7/16 (7/15/16 if you're American). Sorry, once again. It will get better.

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