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Requested by seokminghao

Xu Minghao/ The8


(there is A LOT of dialogue in this haha)




'Why raise our voices when we can just cuddle?'

.   .   .

You enter your house you share with your fiancee, Minghao, tired for all of the office work you had to do. You had come back later than usual, and you know that Minghao was going to be mad.

He had strong suspicions that you're cheating on him, even though you told him that you have to work long hours for money to stay in the house just last week.

You take of your shoes and coat, placing the shoes in the shoe box and coat on the holder.

"I'm home." You say, hoping that he was somewhere in the house. You walk up the stairs and into the bedroom your share with your fiancee, dropping your bag on the floor.

"Where have you been?" Minghao says, getting up from the bed.

You roll your eyes, "You finally decide to ask?"

"Tell me. Are you cheating on me?" He asks, not really catching you by surprise.

"What's the point in even asking, Minghao? You know the answer to that question easy."

"No, I don't. Now tell me the truth." He stands in front of you, his face red. You try and hold in your immense anger that you have held for the last week, but it comes out.

"I'm sick and tired of you accusing me about this, Minghao!" You scream, your expression full of frustration.

"It's not me doing all of this! It's the press, saying you're cheating on me! Explain." He yell back at you, his fists clenched at the side of his body.

You step forward with a strong stance, "No! You explain to me why you're believing all of their shit!"

"They have proof that you've been out late. There are pictures!"

"It doesn't mean that I was out with a guy!"

"What does it mean then?"

You huff, "You really don't know, do you? Do you not trust to me?!"

"Of course I trust to you! Why wouldn't I?"

"Why do you not believe me if you trust me, then?!"

He was silent for a moment, thinking of what to say.

"Come on. Answer me!" You exclaim, crossing you arms.

"Just... answer me one question."

You nod, "Go on."

"Why do you leave the house so early and come back late every single day?"

"You clearly don't listen to me..." You sigh, sadly.

"I listen to y-"

"Tell me what I told you last week, when this all started."

"You told me..." Minghao couldn't finish his sentence. He was totally clueless. "I don't know."

"Exactly! You don't listen to me!"

He looks down at his feet, knowing he has nothing to comeback with. "Why have you been coming back so late?"

"It's the reason why we're still living in this house. I work to pay the bills, buy groceries and everyday needs."

His memory suddenly comes back to him, his eyes widening. "Oh..."

You shake your head, "You remember now?"

He nods, opening his arms for a hug from you. You can't resist, jumping into his arms and wrapping yours around his neck. You place your head on his chest, hearing his fast heart beat slow down a calmer one.

"All of this was pointless, Minghao. Forget about it now."

He hums in reply, pulling away from the hug and going over to the bed, laying down facing the ceiling. You walk around the other side after getting changed, sitting on the bed and snuggling up to him, feeling his arm go around you.

Both of you then fall asleep in peace, all of the drama disappearing for your minds.


double update yeeaaahhhh

i haven't got much to sayyy so lets say 'i'll see you in an hour'

syletigbbilaholsyb (see you even though i'm gonna be back in like an hour or less so yeah bye)


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