Prologue : If You

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18th February 2016, Yongin-si

"Noona... Wake up." A familiar voice echoes inside my head, forces me to open my eyelids. Then I hear my curtains pulled and suddenly slight of sunrays flashes through my eyes sharply. Oh, here we go again, dealing with another morning. I open my eyes and slowly focusing my damn lenses only to see Hanjoon, my little brother (which now wasn't 'little' anymore, he's on mid school rn) standing in front of my bed while folding his arms. I squint my eyes at him.

"Shut up, Hanjoon-ah. It's not my school days anymore. I'm already graduated and as a celebration I'm not going to wake up early." He rolls his eyeballs. "Mom's already served the breakfast. Wake your ass up and eat."

Ugh, since he attends middle school, he acts like he's a grown ass and somehow made his attitude like old man (which is quite jokeless and if it does contents of jokes, it's absolutely no fun). Gosh, was he really my brother? I roll myself back to sleep.

"Whatever, old man. I've planned to get brunch anyway. Now get out of my room."

Guess my words will never be enough. He tugs my blanket roughly, which made me successfully roll out from bed and my precious ass hits the floor first.




Whoops. If dad's the one who called us instead of mom, we'll both be screwed if we don't go immediately. I exchanged glares with him then go downstairs to get breakfast.

After I sit comfortably on the dining chair, mom handed me a bowl with seaweed soup inside it.

Wait.... What?

"Umm.... I'm not even having a birthday today?" I assumed my mom forgot about when she saw me slide out from her womb.

"Of course it's not yours. It's from Seokmin's mother, she asked me to gave this to you this morning before their whole family went to Gangnam-gu."

Ah, Seokmin, my best friend since we were kids. Later on we grew up as teens who fell in love with music. Today, he's already debuted as a member of a fresh-concepted group, Seventeen.

Ah, today is his birthday. I remember that since last night, but I'm still curious on why his mother gave this to me (I ate the seaweed soup anyway). Still, it doesn't feels right, though.

Hmm... I wonder what he thinks about me after we drifted apart. I would never forget the day when we first met, neither the day we lost our communication and move along with our separated lives.


Prologue: If You - End

Hint: Kyuhyun

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