II : Perhaps Love

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18th February 2016
Yongin-si, 08.00

I finished my breakfast, took a bath and now, sitting on the edge of my bed to re-read the letter I made for him last night.

It's quite funny since I always write anonymous letter for him, but this time, I had to put my identity inside the letter. Obviously, I was his best friend and I want to clarify things that was unsettled in the past.

I read the letter once again to make sure I didn't write something too sensitive or such.

"Hi, Seokmin-ah! Or... Should I call you Dokyeom-ssi?

Whoa, it's been almost 5 years since the day we're growing apart. I hope you haven't forget me yet (or do you?). You'll know who I am at the end of this letter. By the way, happy birthday, you dork. You're twenty years old¹ right now, please behave maturely too haha!

I heard you've graduated from Seoul of Performing Art High School. Congratulations! Finally you've made it, crazy enough to follow your dream as a singer. Now you've been debuted and seeing you up on stage with Seventeen... I'm totally happy for you! I've graduated from regular high school here, and I applied to Seoul National University on Music Composition major. Fingers crossed that I'll achieve my dreams just like you!

Actually since the first day you became a trainee, I always send you letters to wish you good health and support you through everything, I hope you've found my mails on the piles of fan mails for you! (it's anonymous with sunflower drawings on the top of each envelop, I bet you never knew it was mine hoho).

Honestly I missed those days when we're hanging out together, practicing or maybe just chilling around and talking about things that happened around us. I missed the days I watched you playing baseball and basketball, like you've always told me that teamwork moves you and how you always promised yourself not to take your teammates for granted.... I hope you'll do the same for Seventeen too.

Ah, also please say hello to all members from me and thank them for taking care of you really well. Yoonjoo-eonni informed me a lot of things about you that has been told on some interviews... And I'm totally glad that you're still the same person I used to know. Once again, thank you for being yourself.

Anyway, I want to tell you this.

Seokmin-ah! Please return my scarf that I lent you 4 years ago! Because of you, I have to buy a new one :(

One more thing, please pay me back 25,000 ₩ that I've lent you for buying things you've lost haha (I know it sounds funny, but yes, I still remember that, dude). But nah, just kidding!

Oh, the last but not least, please write me back, at least could you tell me why you called me "Spring Girl" since fourth grade? Not that I hate it, I've been dying to know the reason behind it!

Yours truly,
The Spring Girl"

I can't help for smiling uncontrollably and my cheeks went really warm. It's not even a love letter, but it feels like it... You know what I mean, right?

I fold the letter, gently put it inside the envelope and seal it. I drew a sunflower on the top of the letter to as a signature that it's mine.

Yup, one letter's ready to be delivered.


18th February 2016
Yongin-si, 08.45

I was on my way back from sending the letter to a mailbox nearby when suddenly my best friend, Jinkyung, calls me.


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