Chapter one

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A girl with long flowing silver white hair walked down the hall of the building where this month’s meeting was being held. Her long bangs covered the left side of her face, and she wore a black and hot pink striped vest that certainly wasn’t very modest as it had a deep v-neck and showed her midriff. It was matched with leather shorts that barely hung on her hips, that were attached to thigh high boots. She was trying to find the only person she trusted outside of her family; Canada. Matthew Williams. Her name is Heart Fire Beilschmit-Bradinsky.

She sighed, and looked into the break room, to see Matthew drinking coffee and reading the paper. When it came to Canada…Heart tended to be a bit like Belarus. Well, they ARE related. Now…Heart’s father was Prussia, and her “mother” was Russia.. You wonder how that happened huh? Well….they were drunk.

“CANADA!” Heart yelled happily and tackled the poor nervous nation.

“GAH!” he managed before being suffocated in a hug.

“Oh crap,” she said, before she sneezed and flew back, a puff of purple smoke filled the room. When it cleared…There was a white bunny in place of Heart. It had its right ear pierced, and it looked quite upset. “It happened again…”

Yes. The adorable bunny is Heart.

“Stupid England…” she pouted as Canada slowly backed away from her furry form. “Not cute at all…” she hops away a bit.

“Th-That's... I... N-No y-you're always cute...” Canada said, stepping towards the fluff ball with ears.

“No i'm not!! Bloody England!” she shouted trying not to cry and went to a corner to sulk.

“H-Heart... come on now...” Matthew tried to urge her out of the corner as he frowned.

In response, she covers her small face with her paws. Matthew sighed and picked her up, “You're adorable... n-now stop... you remind me of Kumicheerio...” Heart looked at him with big teary eyes.

“I really do love you, Mattie...I just...I don't want you to know a lot about everything that's happened...I'm scared you'll hate me....” she murmured, her ears flopping down to her sides.

“P-Please don't cry!” he begged, and she hid her face continuing to cry. “You know how Russia feels abot Belarus... well I'm like that with everyone... don't take it personally, i have social anxiety...”

Heart finally looks back up at the blond, no longer crying, “Honestly...all the other countries scare me other than you....I've spent all my time underground, because Daddy Prussia and Mother Russia couldn't take care of me because of war, and they wanted to hide me...”

The shy country blushed lightly at the honesty and trust Heart was showing towards him, “J-Just... Don't worry about it... I'm really sorry... I'm just scared... O-of falling in love and getting hurt.... it's happened more than I can count...”

Heart gently places her paws on his chest and kisses his cheek, “I understand...I've been through the same turned into a war...”

Canada hugs her tiny body, “I don't want to be the cause of your pain... I'd hate myself.”

“Oh crap…” Heart muttered again before sneezing and returning to her normal form. Canada frowns and sighs as Heart rubs her head where she hit it on the wall. He tucks some of her bangs behind her ear. “This is why I hate England....he freaking cursed me!” She shakes her head to get her hair back over the left side of her face.

“Stop.... it wasn't anyone....” he comforted.

Sudden shouts of “bloody git”, “wanker” and “French frog” fill the hallway. Heart flinched and stood behind Canada, “E-england.”

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