Chapter Four

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Mathieu held Heart close to him as Prussia frowned causing a hurt look overcoming his face. He was happy for Heart, but he still wasn’t ready for his little girl to grow up. Russia put a hand on his shoulder, making the Prussian look up sadly. Russia, although more accepting of Heart’s happiness, was still hurting, but after seeing how honest Mathieu was about his love for his daughter, he knew it was time to let go. Russia smiled at the smaller man sympathetically.

Canada caught the shared look on Prussia’s face that was filled with pain. Mattie felt a dull ache in his chest, and glanced at Heart who was held tightly by Matt, who had vowed to protect her. If he had just stuck with Heart when Prussia was explaining her 2p! condition, she wouldn’t have defied Prussia, and Prussia wouldn’t have been hurt…and looking to Russia for comfort. Why had he left…? She had been there for him through everything…yet he couldn’t be there for her. He winced in pain from the memories of when he had no one there for him. But now, he was alone again. She had his 2p! Prussia had Russia, and…he was alone.

He stared in envy of the two groups in the room, cold dark jealousy filling his chest with pain and grief. No matter what, he always wound up alone…He turned and walked out of the room, making Prussia turn his attention to the Canadian. “Mattie?”

Canada walked onto the porch, not even paying attention to the world around him other than the destination ahead of him. The edge of the porch. Gilbert stared in horror, trying to stop the blonde, snatching at the baby blue hoodie the man wore.

But like water, it slipped through his fingers effortlessly, as the young nation stepped off the porch. Prussia reached out trying to grab onto Canada, desperation coating his face as he watched Matthew’s body hit the ground with a heavy dull thump.

Faintly, Prussia could hear screaming, and only realized it was himself when the other countries rushed to him as he scrambled down the ladder to get to Matthew. He slipped on the grass, and proceeded to crawl to Mattie’s side, tears streaming as he screamed at the younger, “Mattie! Don't you..don't you DARE give up on me! MATTHEW! CANADA!” Canada sighed, more like a low rumble of air that he couldn’t seem to get back. His once bright eyes dulled and became lifeless, “DAMN IT, MATTIE!”

Prussia was cradling the now dead blonde’s body, he was oblivious to the fact that blood was covering his own white shirt. America knelt across from Prussia, not believing his eyes, “M-Mattie?” he managed to choke out before pleading with the dying nation, “Mattie... hey... I.. I know th-that I'm always being the hero... and I mean... c-C'mon... I am... b-but..  E-every hero needs their sidekick.... I-I know B-Because... Because I'm the hero... a-and I need you, Mattie....” America was trembling, “Matthew... p-please... W-Wake up...”

All Prussia could do was cling to Canada’s body, unable to process what he’d seen, the dying blonde let out a pained gasp, his body growing unbearably heavy. Prussia panicked, “MATTIE! I LOVE YOU DONT YOU DARE LEAVE ME!”

Hungary reached out to put a hand on Prussia’s shoulder, only for Prussia to yell, “DONT YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH ME!” and then whisper softly for only the dying Canadian to hear, “I fucking love you damnit...” and gently kiss the nation.

As the albino pulled away, his tears began again as Matthew let out his last sigh of air.

America trembled, and glared at Prussia, “This... This is your fault!!!!” he aimed all his grief at the ex-nation, who couldn’t even move from shock and grief, “LOOK AT ME!!! YOU HAD TO FUCKING WAIT UNTIL HE WAS ALREADY FUCKING DEAD TO TELL HIM HOW YOU FUCKING FELT!?!”

Germany stepped forward, “America... stop... it vasn't anyvon's vault.... It vasn't Preußen, it vasn't heart.... it vasn't anyvon... now! Are ve going to take him back to our home and give him a proper funeral or are ve going to sit here and point vingers at each other until someone else dies by zeir own hand!!!!”

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