Chapter Two

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“HEART!” Canada screamed as Germany was thrown against the wall, out cold. The small frail body of Wonderland was lying on her side, still passed out, and breathing shallowly.

Prussia called out in fear as he raced to his daughter.

Matthew grabbed Oliver’s legs, “Stop! Please! I-I'll do anything just please!!!”

Oliver grinned, something that in of itself looked demented enough to send everyone packing, and leaned down to look into Canada’s eyes as he spoke, “Now why would I do that? I'm not going to stop having fun...” Oliver glanced over at America who had just crawled out from the desk, “A ‘true’ hero you are…Pathetic.”

Canada was losing his confidence quickly, but managed to offer something to the deranged side of England, “Th-Then... Then kill me... j-just leave heart alone... she doesn't deserve that!”

“No, no, no...that is far too easy...” Oliver declared, before kicking Canada away, “But…” waving his wand over the crowd of countries that had gathered in the course of the chaos. Each of the countries looked as if they were being split, with slight differences to their clone. Oliver grinned at his “friends”, before finishing his sentence, “this will be a fun new game. Come now, friends....Let's give them a chance to...come to terms to what has happened.”

Canada rushes over to Heart, who is moaning softly, “M-m-Mat-Mattie...”

Canada’s double stops half-way to the door, and looks back at the girl, looking almost as if he wants to stay with her as Canada picks her up, “I'm here...” Canada whispers making his other side wince.

As Wonderland opens her eyes, a wave of fear passes over her face, “W-where…? W-why is it so dark? I'm scared!”

Canada and Prussia stare at her in horror before Canada forms a question, “H-Heart... C-Can... How many fingers am I holding up?”

“MATHIEU! Hurry up!” Oliver called from the hall.

Heart’s dull misty eyes shed tears as she answered Canada, “It's dark I can't see!! M-Matt!!!”

Mathieu headed toward the door, wincing at the sound of her fearful voice.

Canada was struggling to calm down the sobbing nation who was now completely blind, “Sh-Sh... it's alright... it's okay....”

Heart suddenly was surrounded by purple smoke and backed into a corner trying to calm down on her own. Mathieu watches her sadly, and makes a split decision to walk over to her before the smoke cleared.

He knelt down in front of the cowering white fluff ball, and gently rubs her back, “Shhh…everything will be fine…I promise you that.”

Heart’s ears tilted up at the deeper voice of Mathieu, making the charm in her pierced ear to jingle softly.

He smirked down at her and stood up, and left as she poofed again into her normal form, as he left the room without being seen.

Oliver watches with a frown as Mathieu finally leaves the building, “What took you so long?”

Mathieu winced slightly at the harsh tone, “I had to take care of some business.”

America’s other self grinned with a missing tooth, “What kind of business?”

Mathieu glared at him, “Shut the fuck up, Allen.”

Oliver growled, “SWEAR JAR!”

Mathieu groaned and rolled his eyes, “Wait, aren’t we missing someone?” he noticed, seeing doubles of nearly every country.

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