
978 21 7

Hotch POV:

When I walked in Jj had just started,
"Two females killed in the past two weeks, one 29 and one 27." She paused as pictures of them came up on the screen.

That's when Morgan and Prentiss walked in, they sat quietly and then opened their case files.

Jj continued, "They were both fit blonde popular girls at their sports colleges, the 29 year old known as Ava Linley was hit with a blunt object several times and shot in the chest then post mortem shot twice in the head and tied up then left for us to find her."

"What about the other victim?" Emily asked looking to Jj.

"That's the thing the unsub didn't kill both girls the same the next girl identified as Katie Plum was stabbed 13 times in the chest and shot once in the head, there was also signs of sexual assault with her, but we don't know if it's post mortem or not yet." Jj finished.

"Alright wheels up in thirty!" I stated and went to get my go bag.

I was getting my go bag out and making sure everything was in it, when there was a knock on the door and a very quiet can I come in said, I said yes and turned around to find Emily standing there.

"Hotch I just wanna know did I do something to you to make you get angry this morning before the meeting?" Emily squeaked out.

"It doesn't matter right now Prentiss, we have to focus on the case." I replied sternly.

"Right yes sorry, I um, I'm gonna head to the jet if that's ok" she said and walked out quickly with her head down like she was gonna cry.

A few minutes later we had boarded the jet and I saw Emily at the back with herself all curled up and she just stared out the window not even noticing we had boarded the jet.

"Hey Jj can you do me a favour?" I asked.

"Yes sir what is it?" Jj asked confused and curiously.

"Can you please make sure Emily is ok or I can not have her work on this case, which I really want to work on the case it's just she's not focused so can you just check seeings as tho your best friends." I said as Jj nodded and waited a minute to walk over there making sure it wasn't too obvious.

"Alright when we land Morgan and Prentiss you will go to the last crime scene and the parents house, Jj you and I'll go to the station to set up and talk to the chief police officer and Reid and Rossi you will go to the other crime scene and parents house." I instructed.

"Understood?" I questioned, in response I yeses and okay's, I just hope this case will be over soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed this.
I hope it was longer than normal, any comments are welcome and vote and I'll follow you!

KeepTalkingZoe Out!🌻

I Have Always Wanted You-Hotchniss.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant