Chapter 5: Just Don't Get Caught

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Lights could hear quiet sounds coming from Hannah and Oli's room and she hoped they weren't doing something she'd rather not hear. She turned over in bed preparing for the worst but when the door opened she relaxed. Hearing it close she could barely hear the smacking of lips and footsteps going down the stairs. The door closed soon and Lights wondered if they both left. She knew Hannah had to work but she didn't know how early. Just then her door opened and Hannah smiled brightly walking over to the Canadian pop singer's bedside. "Morning, Lightsy." She pecked her cheek and Lights smiled. "Hey, Hannah."

"I'm going off to work, I have an early client. Help yourself to anything in the fridge and I'll be back some time." Lights smiled and watched as she turned to leave. "Oh and Oliver said he might get to talking to you today." She shrugged, "I don't know if he has time. So expect it but don't be afraid." She laughed some. "It's nothing bad, see ya later."

"Have a nice day!" Lights called back and laid back in bed. Well, this wouldn't be too bad. She was rather entertained by Hannah and the frontman of BMTH. They were a joy to be around, Hannah was a joy to be around. Hopefully she wouldn't miss her too much while she was gone. She got up soon enough and began to start the day.

Lights had looked through their kitchen, finding quite a bit to eat for breakfast though she wasn't that hungry and decided to settle on some cereal she saw in the cupboard. She got a bowl out and after pouring the cereal in she realized they had no milk just this.. oh right almond milk. They're vegan and she kept forgetting. She shrugged and poured it into her cereal. After finding a spoon she dug in and turned the TV on while she was eating. It was actually really good and loved the taste of the milk with the cereal. She'd have to get Hannah to teach her some of her ways before she left. The day went by really slowly and Lights found herself almost bored, watching TV and messing around on her computer. She had written a few songs although nothing too serious. By noon she had dozed off in the living room, the TV playing a random series on Netflix. But her early nap was interrupted when she heard the door closed. She smiled thinking it was Hannah and looked over to the door. "Hey babe- oh." She caught herself, her eyes focusing enough now notice her friend's fiancé. He smiled, walking over to her. "Hey, Lights. You got a minute?" She nodded, sitting up and ran a few hands through her hair as she sat back against the couch, hands clasped in front of her. "Sure, what's up?"

Lights watched as he took a seat next to her. "So the guys and I have been working on this new album and I was wondering if you could contribute to a few songs for me?" He grinned and Lights smiled at his face. "Sure! I'd love to, hell yeah let's do this." She giggled and Oliver smiled. "Nice, I was thinking over who could be featured in the album and Hannah said you'd make a great addition." Lights blushed and smiled. "Aw, I'll be sure to give her my thanks."

"Ya know, she talks about you a lot. Ever since that concert, you'd think she has a crush on ya or something." Lights laughed quietly, shrugging it off. Her heart was racing though and she felt like he was on to them but no he was just making a joke cause there's 'no way' Hannah would be into Lights. They began talking music then and Oli told her about the album, where he wanted it to go and the names of the songs he wanted her included in. Lights listened as he spoke, nodding when needed. They talked for a while, discussing different lyrics and things and it where he wanted her in the songs. Before she knew it, it was around 4pm and the door was opening. Hannah interrupted their talk and they both turned to view the tiny tattooist. Both of their faces lighting up. Lights watched as Oliver immediately got up and pulled Hannah close for a kiss. "You were right she said yes." Hannah giggled, melting into his embrace. "Of course she would. Her voice is perfect for it." Hannah winked at Lights and she blushed softly. "Well, I'll let you two continue talking." Hannah said, pulling away from her fiancé and heading for the stairs. "No, we were just finishing up." Oli said and turned back to Lights. "So we'll start tomorrow?" Lights nodded in agreement, "Hells yeah." She offered her hand and he took it, shaking it. "Well back to work, see you Love and bye Lights!" Oli called before exiting the house.

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