Chapter 7: The Intervention

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Oli couldn't get his mind off Lights and Hannah as he waited in his and Hannah's room until she got back. They had girl time an awful lot lately. But she was always with him usually, Hannah did need this time right? She was always working or away with him. She needed a good female friend like Lights. Maybe he was overacting. He shrugged, looking over to the bedroom door as Hannah walked in. She looked a bit unkept, her hair had a few leaves stuck in it and he noticed a spot of dirt on her face. "Hello, Love. Everything go ok? You look a mess."

Hannah turned to the mirror and reached to pull the leaves out. "Oh, sorry. I just fell on the way back.. clumsy me. I'm going to take a shower."

"Alright, babe..." Oli arched a brow as he watched her walk inside. Hannah was hardly the clumsy type and where did they go for there to be dirt and trees?


The next day, Oliver had left the house early again and Lights turned over in her bed as she heard the door close and ran a hand through her hair. She could stop thinking about Hannah and about what she said. She bit her lip, chewing it a bit. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if this was all for nothing? Doubt filtered through Lights mind and she was almost to tears when a knock came to her door and was soon opened, she snuggled back into the covers quickly and soon felt a hand run down her side and she turned over, tears and doubts vanished as she looked up into Hannah's beautiful face. "How did you sleep, Love?" Lights giggled as Hannah leaned in to press a soft kiss to her lips and she returned it. "Just fine and you?"

"It was good. Now I'm off to work, I'll be back in a bit, stay beautiful." She winked, hugging Lights side and moved to leave. "Have a great day." Lights called back and she sat up as she heard footsteps descend the stairs. She got up from her bed and walked over to get into the shower. What was she thinking? Hannah had to feel the same way. There was no way she'd lead Lights on like this, no fucking way.


Oli could barely concentrate as the band put the finishing touches on the album. He ran a hand through his hair, thinking about last night and about his and Hannah's talk earlier that day and about dinner. Hannah had acted so strange. Not like usual. Maybe Lights was stealing Hannah away from him. "Oli, hello? You there?" Lee asked and Oli rose a brow as he looked over to his bandmates. "What?"

"Are you alright?"

His bandmates all stared at him with perplexed looks on their faces and Oli stood, making his way to the door. "I'm fine, I just need a minute." They nodded and he exited the studio door to walk into the hallway. He had to come up with a plan to keep those two apart for a bit so he could assess the problem and figure out what was really going on between them. He looked up a list of local events that was happening in and around their area. He perked up when he caught site of a tattoo convention in London. Ah, that could do the trick but would Hannah do it? She doesn't really do these things. He'd give them a call and have them add her, maybe he could talk her into it.

Oli looked up the number and dialed it. After having them add his fiancée he made his way back into the room. "All set, Oli?" Matt asked and he nodded. "I think he had Hannah on the brain." Jordan commented and Oli chuckled. They had no idea.

Oli waited until after Hannah got off not wanting to bother her while she was at work. When he walked inside Lights was in the living room, watching Netflix the dogs at her side and a smile crossed her face as she noticed him. Oli didn't know whether to smile or not but forced a fake one anyway. He didn't know if they really were doing anything. For all he knew they could just be friends. Just friends. Right, he had to get that through his head. "Sup, Lights. How's it going?" He greeted her, closing the door and walked past her, heading for the stairs. "It's going great, Oli." She said, a smile in her voice. "Sweet, hey when Hannah comes in can you tell her to meet me upstairs? I need to talk to her." Lights nodded and Oli gave her a thumbs up before making his way up the stairs. He watched Lights briefly but didn't notice anything unusual. She just kept stroking Dylan's back as carefree as ever. Oli sighed softly and turned to make his way into his and Hannah's shared room. He had to figure this out before it drove him crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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