My Little World

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Trigger warning;

There will be a few small parts about violence.

The boss was angry. Because others didn't collect a lot. Why am I getting the blame?

"Sir if you slap me again, I will not collect as much"

Another slap hits my face. I'm burning again. But differently.

"You little skank, you NEED me for living, if i wasn't here, you'd be living at the filthy corners of the street. God knows if you'd still be alive! Your flesh would be eaten by vile street dogs"

I opened my eyes widely. It was so scary. I'm afraid of vile dogs. Boss' dogs attacked me once. Even if i was dead, i would still be scared of them.

"Understood, sir."

I stared at the carpet. This means you're sorry.

"Now get this little wanker out of my room"

The boss' bigger brothers pulled me out of the room. My arms hurt again. I don't understand. They were already big, they didn't need this much force for me.

I heard him shouting at Hal. He didn't bring anything today. I wish i gave him some of what I collected. Liam gave me his. He is a nice person, I'm not like him.

Maybe Liam is a boss. Then sorry, but I wouldn't like him. I don't like big people that hit children.

"Little cunt, are you still here? GO TO YOUR BUNK! You've got to wake up early tomorrow!"

One of the big brothers came. He held my arm, it hurt more.

"Sir I'm already small. You don't need this much force on me"

He frowned and murmured some words I didn't know.

"Don't tell me how to do my job, just go to your bunk!"

He threw me to the corridor. I went to the room.

Other girls were already asleep, thanks Lord. I needed time to think. I like to think at nights.

Why am I here, I thought. Because I always see other kids with their parents on the street. Once a kid was screaming and his mom told him that she'll leave him. He then stopped screaming. Did I scream too? Maybe that's why I was left. I think that would be unfair. I'm only 5 now, I don't even remember my family. I was a baby I think, how would I know what's true and what's not

I wondered if that woman left her son evetually. Maybe boss would find him and bring him here. Then he could be my friend. Maybe Liam would take him. If Liam is a boss, then i hate him, I don't care! He could save kids from dogs but I don't care, he shouldn't hit us!

The door was wide open again. I lifted my head to see, i prayed it's not one of the brothers. God heard me. It was Talia!

"Shite man, 'em smacked Hal's ass!"

She was laughing. I was sad, it's not funny to see someone hurting a small kid. I didn't say anything.

"Ay Rosie, i got lot to do tomorro outside the arena"


"Dumbass, there's a concert! See this!" She threw a paper in front of me.

I saw the paper. Four men were there. One had funny hair so I laughed. But then i frowned, I pointed to the poster:

"I know him!"

"Yea yea baby and I'm best friends with Katy Perry!"

I shook my head, I wasn't lying, that was Liam! So he wasn't a boss?

"No Talia, i saw this man today! He cried for me!" I looked around and whispered:

"And I'll meet him again tomorrow! It's a secret ok???"

She laughed at me again, what was the big deal about him anyway?

She pat my head,

"Rosie babe, time to sleep for yah! Did the boss hit ya that hard?"

I felt helpless, i was telling the truth!

"No Talia, he's so sad, he wants to be my friend! He has no friends!"

Talia was still laughing at me. I was pissed off. No one ever took me seriously.

"Girl you're already dreaming, go to sleep" she walked away to her bunk. I looked still at the paper. It was him, I wasn't dreaming!

"What do they do at concerts?" I knew that, i tried to remember, ah of course, they sing there!

Maybe he can sing with me. I love the song "BINGO" because it's so funny. I laugh a lot. He loves laughing too.

I hope he will be my friend. I need someone to join me to sing BINGO!

I got up and went to the room that Hal stayed in.

"Rosie, whataya want?"

"Ummm" i looked to my feet, "Hal... Is he here?"

"Hey Rosie" he was there.

"I-i'm sorry Hal, I couldn't help you"

"Why's that? You needn't ta"

"B-but Hal, I collected alot today. I feel bad now y'know"

He shook his head. And said I didn't need to apologize. He called me his best friend. Hal is so nice. Liam is nice too. They should meet.

Talia said Liam has an amazing life. She is lying to me. I know he's so sad. I saw his eyes. His face was smiling, but not his eyes. You can lie with your face, except your eyes. A wise man told me that. I looked at people and he was right.

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes.

Uh I hope you guys liked it! That's my first fic in English, bear with my mistakes please. I would love to have your thoughts!

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