Letters to You

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I spent my days in the farm with working. I had no idea why I was even there. I kept wishing Liam was with me. We hardly ever saw the boss, he looked very different than he did before and to admit he was rather upset. I didn't feel bad at all.

Every week I sent letters to Liam. He never answered them. Guess he is like his friends, a fake person. Once I'm too far away, he has given upon me. At first I wanted to cry every night but I never did.

Hi Liam!

I lernd to rite. Cant say I'm good at it but I tri. Debz showd me letturs. I hoop i do it da rite way. Aniways hear its relly borin. I don't kno y. Wif boss there wud b some action. Not animore. I see da sonuvabitch (sorry) sumtimes. His not doin fine and im not sad for him. I lernd farm fings and animals. Plez visit me sumday. Thanx all redi. I love u

Your deer Rosie

I folded the paper and brought it to the post office when we were out for selling eggs.

"You have to write an address little lady"

I was really confused because i didn't know where he ever was. I remembered that he was at the stadium once so i wrote its address and put my letter in the post box.

"That should be fine" I thought

Deer Liam, xxxxx

U ignord my lettur, not very nice of u xxx Aniways i forgive xxxx Its horibel here! We don even eat much! We work all day and if its not good enaff they get mad and hit us! They r turnin into da boss. Plez help me! xxxx I dun like this peopel and I missd u! xxxx

Wif love, xxx

Rosie xxxxxxxxx

Debz told me that people like those x'es so i added them. They look cute indeed!

It was even worse than what I told to Liam in my letter. I heard very bad things and they hit me no matter what. Once I ate something that already went off and I got very sick. I thought i was gonna die. I had a splitting headache, a terrible stomachache, high fever and not to mention how I kept puking, yuck! They made me work and the old lady slapped me because I puked on the entrance. Then her daughter did because I couldn't harvest as much.

Hello Liam!

Srry for bein rude becuz i nevr ask how u r so tell me! xxx Iv been very sick! That lady gave me food and i was supposd to throw it awai. But i was very hungry so I ate it. Latr on I felt sumfing bad in my tummy. I puked on my shoos and they got dirty. I kept pukin and i had so much pain that i all most cryd. Im still sick! Plez get me from hear Liam. xxx

U dont reply but i stil love u xx
Rosie xxxxxx

Days passed, weeks passed, months did, but still I didn't get a reply from Liam. I hated him with all my heart because he played with my feelings. At least boss didn't show me that he "cared" and then left me. He always showed me that he hates me. Unlike Liam. Even Hal is an ass now. I will never trust any man. I feel really alone. Bet Liam is happy with his fake friends. Too bad i don't care anymore!

Sorry for not updating, i had some annoying school things and i feel like no one cares about this story sometimes but anyways, i hope I'll be able to update it more frequently, please vote and comment and maybe share lol, take care!

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