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They sat in silence for a while. Both were glad to enjoy the chirping of birds and not hushed whispers in the street, for a change. They sat like that until Kaoru could no longer keep her eyes from Enishi's gun.

"Kaoru, don't start." She lifted her eyes and noticed that Enishi was staring at her with his ice cold blue ones. Kaoru remembered as a child shivering under his stare, though still pretending that she wasn't afraid.

"But you should not have it. You will face execution by the firing squad if Germans see you with it!" Kaoru ranted. Even if she wasn't that close to Enishi, Kaoru still didn't want him to die. There was enough brutality in the world at the moment even without the man's death.

"Actually I've got a favour to ask of you regarding it." He pointed to the gun. "My neighbour's seen me few times with it. He's an old man but holds grudge against me. He thinks I dishonoured his daughter by refusing his arranged marriage offer. Sooner or later he will tell Germans about me hiding it. I'm sure-"

"That is why you should have given them the damned thing while they were collecting all the guns." Kaoru hissed interrupting Enishi.

"You don't understand! I'm not a farmer, I can't grow anything! And I'm not sitting on a pile of money like you! I was always a hunter and I'm still a hunter now!" The man was furious and Kaoru could see veins popping on his forehead. "If I gave them my gun I wouldn't be able to survive and I'm very passionate about not starving to death! Besides I'm not the only one! I bet even Megumi hides a pistol under her bed!"

Kaoru couldn't argue. It was true that Megumi was hiding a gun, even if the German officer was living with them now. Her sister claimed that there was no way to know what could come to his mind. The way he was now might also turn out to be only a façade hiding a horrible personality beneath. If it turned out this way they were only three women in the house, without a gun they wouldn't pose a serious fight.

"Anyway, back to the point." Enishi seemed to calm down. "Can you tell the lieutenant living with you that if he hears something about this, he'd just brush it off?"

"But I don't talk to him." This wasn't completely a lie. Kaoru doubted that greetings counted as talking and she just chose to ignore the whole thing that happened today.

"That's not what I heard." He had this knowing look in his eyes as he said those words. Kaoru opened her mouth, about to speak in her defence, when Enishi started speaking again. "At least promise that you'll try." He sounded angry, yet almost desperate.

"I will think about it." Kaoru promised and got up. She doubted that she would be able to shy away from reality once more, even if Enishi left her alone. Besides it was almost curfew anyway.

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