The Promise

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I got a call from Noah.... Hey do you think you can meet later on today ,I want to take to a waterfall can you come?? OMG YESSS!!!!!! I was so excited I ask Noah what type of shoes I should wear?? He said what ever shoes.

 Hey do you think you can meet later on today ,I want to take to a waterfall can you come?? OMG YESSS!!!!!! I was so excited I ask Noah what type of shoes I should wear?? He said what ever shoes

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It was a bit cold that day , so I wore something warm. Noah had picked me up around 2:00 and I said good bye to my mom and left with Noah. It was a 30 minute drive so when we got there I stretched out and then we walk up a path and there it was the beautiful waterfall!!

 It was a 30 minute drive so when we got there I stretched out and then we walk up a path and there it was the beautiful waterfall!!

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It was  so pretty I had been talking to Noah for a while which lead us to becoming good friends. We were both sitting on a rock and he leaned of and kissed me. I knew  that I was supposed to be with Noah, and that he would treat me nice. Hey drove me home and I unlocked the door and went up in my room. As soon as I got in my room I took of my boots and changed into something warm and cozy. My mom come in my room and ask " How was it sweat heart ?" It was good mom. "Ok I going to go out to the market you can have Diana over just Diana ok!" Ok mom don't worry. My mom had left and then I called Diana to come over. When Diana had knocked on the door and I said hi and told her about the date I had with Noah. After that she had asked me how was my dad was and I said he was fine and that he was under 24 hour care. Hey Aria I want to let you know that no matter what I promise you I will always be here for you!!!! Thanks Diana I could really use the help. Remember we are best friends forever!!!!!

Hope your guys are enjoying this book I know it's not great but whatever


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