3. What Does She Want?

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"What kind of person are you interested in?" Holly stared intently at Perseus, silently daring her to question what she meant. Perry knew what she meant and wondered why it didn't bother her at all that it was her boss asking her this question. What bothered her was that she didn't really have an answer. She opened her mouth to try to explain that she didn't actually know but was saved from awkwardly rambling by the waiter bringing their drinks. The boy set the two iced teas in front of them along with a little white plate of lemon wedges. Holly thanked him then turned her attention back to Perry. "I would like an answer before the food gets here."

"Right, sorry." Perry said, bowing her head slightly. "I..." She cleared her throat and began twisting her fingers nervously. She had no idea why she felt the need to be honest with this beautiful woman, she could just tell her she was into men. "I don't really know." That wasn't good enough, she needed to elaborate, but what else could she say? "I've been wondering if I'm...not straight...for a few months now." After a moment of silence she finally found the courage to look up at Holly and saw her studying her with an unreadable expression.

Finally she spoke. "Do you find women attractive?" She asked and Perseus thought carefully, not wanting to explain that she didn't really find women in general attractive in that way. As odd as this conversation was, it surely wasn't right for her to tell her boss that she had strange feelings about her.

"It's not like..." Perry paused, trying to find the exact words she wanted. "...all women. You know? I don't really think thoughts like that anyway."

Holly ignored the last sentence and got straight to the point. "Do you find me attractive, Perseus? Because I certainly am attracted to you."

"Oh!" Perry blushed and tucked a loose piece of her long, light brown hair behind her ear. Why did this woman calling her beautiful make her heart feel so light that it was flying? What should she tell her? She bit her lip, mentally telling herself that this might be her only chance. "Yes." She whispered.

"I couldn't quite hear you, could you speak a little louder?" Holly told her with a teasing grin.

"Yes!" Perry exclaimed, her eyes shining with silent laughter. It felt nice to be able to answer honestly, like some sort of weight had left her shoulders. It didn't matter what happened next, all that mattered was that for one second she felt absolutely certain she knew the answer.

"Give me your hand, Perseus." Holly said, laying her hand on the table, palm up. Perseus did not hesitate to lay her hand in Holly's. "Tell me, how does that feel?"

Perry closed her eyes, trying to pinpoint exactly what she was feeling. "It feels nice." She decided, but that wasn't enough. "It feels really nice." She opened her eyes to see Holly just smiling at her. "Thank you."

"Grilled salmon with lemon sauce and seasonal veggies..." The boy set the dish down carefully, avoiding their hands. Perry pulled back quickly, a little uneasy that he'd seen that. How had she not seen him coming? "And the strawberry summer salad with candied pecans and grilled chicken." He stepped back. "Is there anything else I can get you, ladies?"

"No, thank you, this looks wonderful." Holly said, her smile offsetting the dismissal in her tone. The boy nodded and left immediately. They ate in silence for awhile with the occasional sound of silverware hitting plates and glasses being set back down on the table. "Perseus, if it is alright with you, I would like to take you on a real date."

"I would love to." Perry answered, her mind already beginning to teem with hundreds of questions. "This isn't a real date?" She asked, gesturing to their almost empty plates. She'd really enjoyed what Holly had ordered for her even though she probably wouldn't have chosen it for herself.

Holly shook her head and Perry noticed how her hair shimmered under the lights like a Pantene commercial. "No, this was a work lunch, sweet girl. I would like to take you to dinner. Would Friday night at eight work? We have a few things I want to talk about."

"Oh, okay." Perry couldn't think of anything she had planned that night. "That works for me! What do you want to talk about?"

"Did everything taste alright?" The waiter asked and this time Perry felt like he was interrupting at the worst moments on purpose. Holly told him that everything had been wonderful before handing him her credit card. "Thank you, I'll be right back!"

"You didn't have to pay for me!" Perry told her, already wondering how much her salad had cost. She felt like she needed to pay her back somehow, maybe she could pay for lunch next time?

"Let me take care of you, Perseus." Holly said and something in her voice left no room for argument. What could she mean because those words felt like they had a double meaning. Perry just nodded in acceptance and stood when the boy arrived with a receipt for Holly to sign. She added the tip, signed, and they left the restaurant. The car was already waiting for them, Perry wondered if it had every left. Surely it had, this was New York and cars couldn't park on streets this long. The ride back to the office was very short and neither of them spoke until it was time for them to get out. "Kiss me." Holly said, making Perry look at her incredulously. "Come on, kiss me."

Perseus leaned in and pressed her lips to Holly's painted crimson mouth the way she had in quite a few of her dreams, hoping it would feel like she knew what she was doing. All her life, she was told this was wrong but it didn't really feel wrong... She pulled back, confused, and got out.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, Perseus."

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