7. Does it run in the Family?

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A/N Yes, I used the lovely Carver twins as Hypnos and Thanatos but I didn't really have an idea as to what I wanted Hyp and Than to look like other than hot so...there you go.

The calming feeling of Holly's fingers combing through her long hair sent warm tingles through Perry's scalp down into her cheeks. She felt completely at peace with her head in Holly's lap, laying out on the couch in her apartment. "May I braid your hair, Perseus?" Holly asked and she nodded. "Don't just nod, I would like a verabal answer, please."

"I would like it if you braided my hair, Mommy." Perry said, deciding to try full little speak. It felt a little awkward but it didn't feel as weird as she thought it would. She hoped that Holly didn't think she was just doing it to make fun of it or something bad.

"Would you like a french braid or a regular braid, sweetheart?" Holly asked, using the term of endearment to try to help Perseus get into a true littlespace.

"French braid!" Perry answered excitedly! She had always admired how pretty french braids were but she'd never been able to master doing it to her own hair.

Holly smiled at how easy it was for her to reach the edge of her little mindset and wondered what had kept her from falling over that edge and acting like the child she wanted to be before Holly had met her. "French braid it is, little one." She began to separate her hair into three sections, two sides and the top. She pulled two elastics from her pocket and put the left side and the top into messy buns out of her way before beginning to separate the right side into three pieces. Perry stayed silent as Holly gently pulled more pieces into the neat braid she was making. After several minutes she reached the end of Perseus' hair, pulled the elastic from the left side's bun off and twisted it around the end of the braid.

An idea hit Perry as Holly began to braid the left side of her head. "If put a little water on my hair before I go to bed and sleep on the braids then I can brush it out in the morning and my hair will be curly!"

"You know..." Holly paused, detangling a small strand. "If you ever wanted, mommy could help you fix your hair in the mornings. I could also do your make up, not that you need any. Would you like that?"

Perseus thought about Holly curling her hair or putting it into a perfect bun like she sometimes had. The thought made her smile, she liked it when her hair was played with. She nodded but remembered what Holly had said about verbal responses. "Yes, I would like that very much."

They didn't talk as Holly finished the left braid and began the top braid. When she had finished that she pulled the three braids together at the nape of Perry's neck and began to braid them together into a bigger braid. Reaching the end, she pulled out the extra elastics, using just one to hold the end of the final braid.

"Finished!" Holly said and Perseus touched her hair with a bright smile. "And just in time too." She said, glancing at the clock on the wall. "It's getting late, you'd better head home."

"Thank you so much!" Perseus said, jumping up and slipping her feet back into her shoes. "You're right, I don't want my brothers to worry!"


Perseus hummed a happy wordless melody as she let herself into her brothers' apartment. Something about the silence should have warned her that something was wrong, something was happening that she should not see or know. "Hypnos?" She called out, peeking around the corner to see if her brotehrs were in the living room the way they usually were, Hypnos laid out on the couch with his laptop on his stomach and Thanatos curled up in the chair, lost in a book. No one was there. "Than?" She called a little louder. Both of their cars were in the parking garage so they had to be here. Suddenly she heard a sound coming from the bedrooms, it sounded like a cry of pain. She hurried down the hall, frightened at the idea that something bad could be happening. The closer she got to the door the more odd sounds she was hearing. Without thinking about what this could mean she opened the door and stopped, horrified, in the doorway. "I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, covering her eyes and vehemently trying to rid her mind of what she'd seen. "I'm so sorry, I heard something and I thought you were hurt! I didn't know that... I'm really sorry!" She backed out of the room and ran to her own bedroom as fast as she could go.

Thanatos pulled out of Hypnos roughly enough for him to cry out again. "Be quiet!" He growled at him, getting off of the bed. "It's your loud mouth that caught our sister's attention enough for her to come running back here thinking you were in pain!"

Hypnos didn't miss the emphasis he had put on the word 'sister.' "I was in pain." He grumbled, rolling onto his back. "You hardly prepped me this time with your whole 'we have to be quick, Perry can come back any time.'"

"And she did!" Thanatos replied, trying to argue quietly, knowing Perseus could probably hear them. He pulled his briefs and jeans back on and began looking for his shirt.

"Do you think she hates us now?" Hypnos asked in a muffled voice. "She probably hates us. She probably thinks we are disgusting and she's either packing to get out of here as fast as she can or calling mom to let her know what a disgusting pair of faggots her sons are."

Thanatos softened at the worry, sadness and fear he heard in his twin's tone. "I don't know, Hyp. Come on, get some clothes on so we can go talk to her if she'll let us." He found his shirt and pulled it on then waited for Hypnos to get fully dressed before they walked out.

A/N I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't really know where this story was going. Now I sort of have an idea which I guess is good to have when you are three chapters away from the end. Just 3000 words left, people! If you are the two or so people reading this then please stick with me!

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