10. No More Questions.

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Hello, my name is Perseus Genevieve Applewood. My name is still the same difficult pronunciation, my mother is still obsessed with Greece, I've still never met my father's mother (they say she disappeared mysteriously one day, other rumors are that she was a witch), I'm still the youngest of five children and daddy still likes to call me his little cupcake.

Dad retired from the hospital after working with a young woman until she was prepared to take his position. Her name is Dr. Vanessa Kelly, she's really nice, and the patients all seem to love her. When asked by the preacher dad decided he wouldn't mind becoming an elder in the local church. He goes to the meetings and helps make important decisions like where the tithe goes and how to properly welcome new members. Mom retired from teaching the same year as dad so that she could spend more time with him but missed influencing minds too much. She began teaching a few online courses about her favorite subject for the college that Hypnos went to. I'm sure you can already guess what it is. If you guessed Greek history and mythology, you would be correct. About once a month they make the trip from Alma out to New York City to check on Than, Hyp, and me. Apollo usually sends a box of goodies from his bakery for each of us, which is really nice. I think mom suspects that Hyp is gay but I don't think she has any idea about the rest of the way we live. When she and dad make their next visit I'll announce that I'm moving into a new place. It's a really beautiful apartment that I've already spent a lot of time in with my boss and friend, Holly. She doesn't need to know the more intimate details of our relationship even though I'm not really afraid of how she would react anymore. I think that she'll be excited that I'm stepping out from under my brothers' wings and beginning a new chapter in my adult life.

Thanatos and Hypnos are still together, I don't think anyone else would be able to deal with either one of them. Right now they're in a bit of a rough patch but I know they'll be able to talk it out and find a solution they both like. Hyp has brought up the idea of adopting a child to Than since I'm moving out but Than thinks it would be too difficult to explain to anyone else. How can you tell a child that not only does it have two daddies but its daddies are also brothers? Hyp thinks they shouldn't have to explain it to anyone else and I hate to say it, but I agree. I think they would be excellent parents and I would be really excited to add another little niece or nephew to my family tree. I also can't help but wonder if Holly would someday consider adopting a child together. If we last that long. How would a child work with our situation? We'd have almost as much difficulty explaining our decision to my parents as Hyp and Than would, I suppose. Well, enough of those questions for now, I'm enjoying feeling like I have all my answers!

Poseidon is still working as a swim coach, his team has made it to state seventeen times. He had a cancer scare awhile back but after a year of treatments and surgeries he's cancer free and better than ever. His wife, Helen, added history classes to her coaching job and has been really enjoying maternity leave with their newborn daughter, Khione. They just went back home after bringing the new baby to meet us in New York. I feel like we became better sisters (in law) as we left the baby with the menfolk and took a day visiting the best spas and shopping places in the city. Helen makes sure to send new pictures every week and I've printed a few for my office to make it seem more personal. Khione may only be a few months old but I can already tell that she's the exact opposite of her sister, Mona, she's going to be a perfect angel. Just like me!

Apollo's bakery is doing amazing! Cloud 9 had been featured in a few magazines and the word spread until he decided to open two new store fronts, one in Los Angeles, CA run by his best friend, Jamie, and the other is in New York City just a few blocks away from our apartment! Thanatos has already told him that whenever he comes to New York to check on this branch he can stay with them. Mom's happy because Apollo found a girlfriend. She is so pretty and so nice, her name is Alessia, and she began as a counter girl in his bakery. She had a couple ideas for some new recipes, menu designs, and decorations so he took her ideas and then he took her heart. They've been together for several months now and it doesn't seem like it's going to end. In fact, Apollo told Than that he plans to propose to her next Christmas so I guess she'll be joining the Applewood family permanently. That's okay though, she helps him remember to make the red velvet cupcakes just for me every time they visit. Even Holly says they're delicious.

Most days I can be found in my office speaking with new clients or running around the city trying to find the perfect venue, or the perfect flower arrangement or cake. I'm on a first name basis with most of the florists and now that Apollo has hired a professional cake designer you probably can guess where most of my cakes come from. Don't worry, the clients always get the best price and the cake of their dreams.

This story, my story doesn't really have an end, does it? I'm happy and that's all that matters in the end.

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