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Bella, Bonnies cousin is introduced in season 1 episode 21 simply because when their grams died, Bonnie left town for five episodes and I couldn't bring Bella in because Bonnie hadn't returned yet. I wanted Bella to be in the finale so this was just convenient for anyone who might be confused.

Main Storyline
Bella is Bonnies older cousin, only by a year. She is also a powerful witch but even better than Bonnie and was also very close to their grams. Bella's parents died recently so the loss of their grandmother had a huge impact on her. She is still only 17 and is not old enough to live on her own. So Bonnie called her, seeking comfort after the death of her grams, and asked her to come and stay with Bonnie for a year and also enroll at Mystic High. Bella, having no other option, accepted this deal and decided to go live with her younger cousin and uncle. She joins the school and is soon introduced into Bonnies friend group. She becomes very close with Elena and starts to have feelings with Elena little brother, Jeremy Gilbert. She gets roped into many supernatural adventures and soon comes to enjoy the company of her new found friends.

Have fun reading!

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