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Elena was growing very fond of Bella by the minute. She was so selfless and caring, Elena imagined them having a very good friendship, as did Bella. Elena said,"Thank you anyways" Bella smiled back at the doppelgänger and said,"Anytime" The girls smiled at each other and continued walking to the hall but didn't find anyone in there.

The girls looked at each other in confusion before Elena said,"Ohhhh, they must be outside building the float" Bella nodded in agreement and the girls walked outside, only to find Elena's predictions were correct. The place was swarming with people, some were working on the display, others were practicing routines and more were building the float.

Elena and Bella spotted Caroline at the top of the float, organising and bossing people about (just being herself, of course) and approached her. Caroline spotted the doppelgänger and she spoke angrily,"Where have you been?" Elena replied,"I'm sorry I got caught up" Caroline laughed and then said,"It's ok, could you go over there and collect those banners from the table?" Elena agreed and followed Caroline's orders.

Bella was about to help Elena but Caroline stopped her and said,"Not you, I want you to be in the parade" Bella looked astonished at Caroline's wishes and replied,"Really?" Caroline said,"Totally, you are so beautiful and you have that olden day vibe, I want you up here with a handsome suitor waving at the citizens of Mystic Falls" the girls laughed at Caroline's attempt of trying to persuade Bella.

After a lot of different interrogation techniques used by Caroline (which were extremely effective by the way), Bella finally gave in. She was pretty excited about being in the parade, but confused on who was going to be her suitor. Caroline and Bella were discussing these matters until they saw some random guy jump on the trailer carrying the float, crushing Matt's arm. Caroline and Bella panicked, rushing over to him, Stefan, Tyler and a few other guys all lifted the trailer up so Matt could get his arm out.

Bella looked for his attacker and couldn't see him anywhere, she knew he must have teleported away, meaning he was a vampire. Then she looked over to where Elena was and saw some woman grabbing her arm, not letting her move and threatening her. Once Matt's arm was free Caroline ran over to him, but Stefan pushed her away, urging her to call an ambulance.

The crowd was shocked and that friendly atmosphere that Bella felt a few hours ago, was nothing more than a memory. She decided to go to Elena's aid as she looked quite flustered. Once Bella got there she asked Elena,"Are you ok? Who was that?" Elena replied,"My biological mother" Bella was shocked. She asked,"Wait, are you adopted?" Elena replied sadly,"Yeah, it was my adopted parents that died, but unfortunately that bitch is still alive, and she took Jeremy"

Bella would be upset but she didn't know who Jeremy was. She asked Elena,"Who is Jeremy?" Elena replied,"He is my brother, and we need to find him before its too late" Bella nodded in agreement and they left to go get Stefan. Stefan got Bonnie and Damon and they all went back to the Salvatore boarding house to figure out a plan to get Jeremy back.

Elena wanted the device back that Damon had taken and begged him for it. Damon replied,"Absolutely not" Elena said,"Just hear me out" Damon cut her off and said,"I'm not gonna give the device to Isobel who is gonna give it to John who will turn around and kill me and I love being a living, dead person"

Elena then said," it'll be useless, Bonnie can take its power away" Damon replied,"But I don't trust her"

Bonnie then said,"I can remove the original spell" Elena then turned back around to Damon and put her hands up in the air and said,"John and Isobel will never know"

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