The Return Part 3

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Stefan and Damon walked into the kitchen after the attack Katherine made. Stefan still recovering from his broken bones, while Elena walked upstairs to check on her suicidal brother.

Damon asked,"Did she say what she wanted?"

Stefan replied,"No"

"Woman certainly knows how to make an entrance"

"She said she fooled one of us, at least. What does that mean?"

"She pretended to be Elena too when I showed up earlier tonight"

Elena walked into the room and Stefan obviously approached her.

She said,"I told Jeremy, I can't lie to him anymore"

Stefan asked concerned,"Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright. I thought that with all the tomb vampires gone things would get better"

"I know. We all did"

Elena said worried,"Katherine was in this house, that means she's been invited in, what are we gonna do?"

Damon replied bluntly,"Move"

Elena gave Damon a look that could kill and said annoyed,"Very helpful, thank you"

"Katherine wants you dead; there's zero you can do about it; you would be dead but you're not. So clearly she has other plans"

Stefan said determined,"Right and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process. What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?"

"To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead. We...kissed"

Elena said shocked,"And you thought it was me?"

"What do you mean you kissed?"

"Well, you know, when two lips pucker and they go"

Damon started puckering his lips and making kissing noises to taunt Stefan.
Saint Stefan ran at Damon with rage but Damon used his super speed to quickly dodge and stand next to Elena.

Damon said bored,"Don't be obvious, Stefan"

Stsfan ran at Damon again but Elena quickly put her hand infront of his chest and said,"Stefan wait, he kissed Katherine, not me"

She turned around to Damon and said truthfully,"I wouldn't do that. We don't have time for this guys"

Stefan glared at his brother and said,"Later"

"John must know something. There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him"

Damon said bluntly,"She's Katherine. She loves to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're going to find out what she's been up to before she wants you to know"

"No, actually Elena's right, John could know something through Isobel. Your mother, she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk"

Damon said sarcastically,"I've got a better idea"

Elena sat up and asked intently,"What's that?"

"I'm just gonna ignore the bitch. See you."

"Is that smart?"

"If Katherine thinks she's been ignored it will lure her out, she'll make a move"

Stefan said,"Yeah? And then what?"

"Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic. We'll see.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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