The Return Part 2

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A Street

Katherine opened her eyes and grabbed Stefan by the neck and threw him across the road. He hit the ground with a thud and a scream of pain. Bella used her powers and did something to Katherine that was making her scream in agonising pain.

Elena looked at Bella with a blank face, confused at how she was doing it. She knew she was a witch but she did not know her strength. Nobody did.

Bella walked closer to Katherine, each step she took the pain got bigger, and the screams got louder. Elena winced at this point because she had never seen somebody get tortured before. Well, not yet at least.

Bella intensified her power once again and this time Katherine's eyes began to bleed. Elena looked at her friend shocked and ran over to her, begging her to stop.

"Bella stop it, she isn't worth it!" Elena screamed.

Bella did not listen to Elena's pleas, until Stefan had finally recovered and pushed the witch to the ground.

Katherine fell down because her legs were numb and she physically couldn't hold herself up any longer.

Bella shouted at Stefan,"Stefan, what are you doing?"

"If you kill her, we won't get answers Bella!"

Bella looked quite taken aback by Saint Stefan's sudden attitude and decided to shut her mouth for once.

Stefan said to the girls,"Okay, we need to get you two to the hospital asap, I will drive you and I'll bring Katherine back to the boarding house, so we can uh......"

Stefan didn't want to say he was going to 'torture' Katherine in front of Elena because she was super sensitive. Bella rolled her eyes but decided to give Stefan a ladder to get out of the massive hole he just dug himself into.

Bella finished his sentance,"To get answers" She looked at Elena reassuringly and the doppleganger nodded.

The trio turned around to head back to the car and to get Katherine, who was no longer there. Oops.

Bella glared at Stefan, knowing that if he would have let Bella take care of it, they would not be in this situation. Elena spoke up,"Where did she go?"

Stefan ran to the car and the girls followed. Here we go again, Bella thought to herself.


Mystic Falls General

Elena, Bella and Stefan finally arrived at the hospital after a very eventful night. Bella spotted her cousin talking to Matt and she ran over to her. Bonnie saw the cuts on Bella's face and looked at the older witch concerned. She said with worry,"Oh my God Bella, what happend?

The two embraced and Bella replied,"It doesn't matter, the good thing is we are all safe"

Bonnie smiled at Bella and hugged her once again. Remembering what they came here for, Bella asked Matt who stood there quite awkwardly,"How is Caroline?

Matt replied sadly,"She's not good, Bella"

"What happened?"

"We were driving and Tyler heard this noise and he got..."

"A noise?...."

"He got this migraine or something and he lost control of the car and...I thought that Caroline was fine and then...and then she wasn't so..."

Bella and her cousin shared worried glances, and both the Bennett witches had an itching feeling that the pain and suffering was only the beginning.

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